Sam: Nice retrechment prune with the stump-grinder. Ohh.... LOVED those pine pics.
BRIAN!!! DANG, sir! WHERE the HECK'ya BEEN! DANG! Been awhile hasn't it???!! Dang. Nice work though. Specially on the roof. Man, you do a good clean-up.
Rich: Can't speak for the true "High Climbers," of Old-Growth lore, but, truth be told... you and Cory and Paul and a lot of ya's would put a ton of us "PNW folk," to shame. Most "Straight-up-and-downs," are pretty easy bro.
Fiona: Nice Eucs!! Gotta love doing a beautiful job.
Bob: Speaking of beautiful!! Man.... (Trying to think of something worth saying)... Nope. Got nuthin. Let me just say this..........................
umm.... You're really good at pruning. Gotta love trees. I challenge anyone on here to tell me that we don't have an awesome job. i LOVE to prue. I'll even do any stinkin hedge they're willing to throw at me. You know what... I take that back. Most hedges DO pretty-much suck.
Paul: WOW. Man!!! You guys are stinkin, pretty good. Dude, I'd pay for a plane-ticket to just watch you guys work sometime.
Uhhh... Here's a bucha randome pics from the last coupla daze. Here's a pine (yes we have the odd Pine here) I ziplined today...
Well. First of all... here's David going up to hack-off a Spruce limb I had been smashing all day...
O.k.... here's my dumb-phone pics...
This thing was almost Stephen size. Look at the size of this limb that I went half-way out to cut!...
Here's a nasty Maple I had to tie together to fall...
Here's a nasty Hemlock with an ugly stump that I cut for Corey...
Check out how sappy my firewood is. Hopefully I can figure out a way to get this stuff to burn by next winter... heee, hee, he, he, he...