Sam: Nice Hemlock shots. Real nice.
Corey/Willie: HA! I just finished telling my super-new ground guy... "YA see son??... Ya NEVER put yer rope where you could just knife through it with the piece that'cher takin off it!"... only to defy my own rule, like, two chunks of pine later.

He was like, "Hey!... what's up with that, boss??

I was just like, "AHHhhhh... Try. Just TRY, to keep yer mouth shut, will ya?!"
Coupla shots...
Here's the butt-stick of that pine I was talking about.
O.k... Here's ahh... in no particular order. Oh wait.. no... here's today's Lam-Root-Rot Fir that I high-stumped off a wedge-bang, at about 50', to avoid smashing the fence...
Here's the logs, and the High-stump...
Most of my corronetting is done via a modified Bart Simpson motif, however, It seems that some neo-classical Burger King influence has inadvertantly crept into my lastes piece. MAN i HATE convention!!!

DEFY convention, brothers!!! Let art LIVE!!! Let art BREATHE!!! NEVER. Simply, NEVER, EVER, ever, ever, ever... do this...

Ohh... here's another LamRootRot Fir that I fell. It was weird... I thought that I was creaping too close to the fence, so I blasted-off my near corner. The corner-zip didn't do a thing (Too little, too late, I suppose.), but it dead-centered the shot anyway. Nervous Nellie, I tell ya...
Look at that root-rot though... They're all like that in there. (Boeing's Bellevue plant.)