Decent day. Got 10 of 21 trees out of this back yard. Not tight but tight enough keeping them in the property lines and not damaging the few trees that are being left. Took a pic of each one just because.
I used the one that slid back to make sure the young one understood why I tell him to get away from the tree when it's tipping
That's all ten. Some were floppers, some took a bit of pounding, and most took a rope just to make sure I wouldn't look foolish if they missed the lay. Pics don't show it well but it's a pretty good grade and they really walk out of the back door into a steep bank.
I was thinking wow that one really came back aways and then it was awesome to read that the whole thing had been foreseen and used as a teachable moment.
Here's my meager stump. It was a dead myoporum tree that took a couple hours to erase.
I was gonna grind it, but just kept finding we had to hand dig it for two hours.
Yep. Caught a taller tree and jumped back. I was making room for the struck tree to be felled. The oak would have most likely blasted through that maple but it was on the downhill side. I took the least risk in that situation I feel. Also any tossed limbs would be going away from the house. I did a lot of explaining today. Took a decent side leaner and showed how to quarter cut ( hope I'm using the right word). Cut the compression side first and bang in wedges, then cut the tension side. Made sense to me and it worked like a charm.
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