The Official Work Pictures Thread

Nice Pics!

Here's my meager stump. It was a dead myoporum tree that took a couple hours to erase.
I was gonna grind it, but just kept finding we had to hand dig it for two hours.

Quite the antithesis of Levi's Iron Pics.

Hard f'g work.
Very nice Rich. I see a couplease logs I would like on the mill too!
Deva, city life is brutal mang. I would get real frustrated with that!

Levi gave us a hand today finishing up a job removing many oaks. He drove the skid steer proficiently and tended lines, raked ...... he got paid.Pou


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Mick-awesome work man,beautiful shcnit,weather/work n all.

Rich-gheez,looks like a good time brother 👍 great pictures (hinges too👏)

Stephen-nothing new huh,you always slayin it with the best of em!💪
Ha well I guess there is some new young blood on the scene,good on you. Good work ethic is important me thinks,it goes along way,translating into all aspects of life imo. Needless to say-Excellent job.
Levi,that's pretty wicked setup your buddy is running. Kinda wierd to be able to kik back n watch lol.
Me personally i live for that kinda ish but it must be nice on the body not having done that type of climbing for sometime.
Glad things are going good for ya up derr bruh.
Love teaching the kids stuff.
Got to do some fancy felling with guy lines lately too. Wish I had a vid of the pine, but this oak went cool.
A lot of these oaks were heavy head leaners that needed pulling into the lay. Some tripped two at a time with crippling one of them. Only vid we got was this one since one guy had a free hand :lol: I kept them busy.
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I am a stupid mule.

I can't get enough of this crap.

150 yards and 50 stairs from the truck.

Bent all my bars, fried all my chains, and smoked all my grinder teeth.

The employee told me at 3:10 he needs to leave at 3:30....after he didn't do nothing for an hour and a half while I dumped.....


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I told him he better go Uber off! Cause there is still a lot of work to be done here...

Kids these days. When I was 23...

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Righteous job there, Deva.

I don't know about this younger generation, maybe they are not up to the task of a hard days' work like people used to be...but when I was in my 20's (and to be clear, that was 40 years ago), I heard the same thing from bosses that were vocally thanking their stars that they had lucked into having me on their crew.

So it may not be exactly a new phenomenon, and any one individual may well buck the current standard; you just have to find them.
Work Pics Thread 2.0!

Damn Willie,that would be frustrating....looks like a so-cal yard,tioght like a tiger.

Of course we can get it down,all the underowth will bounce back in a few months 🙄

It amazes me how people expect to keep every last piece of green intact even though this monstrous beast above will be coming down!
Yeah, I told them they were welcome to Dig the smaller azaleas but I wouldn't be. I just measured and it looks like the k boom will just reach the trunk wood, that'll save some wear and tear on the landscape