The Official Work Pictures Thread

Rich mine are 3x3 white oak, straight grained shit too. 7/8 hole drilled in at about 6" to accept any retired 1/2 rope. Spacing is probably one every 8". My crane weighs 54000 on 4 wheels but fat tires, probably a 2' contact patch. Think it came out to be about 10 psi if you have 4' mats under them. We deploy them with the wheel loader with rotating grapple really easily but that goes to every job anyway.
Nice Rich! That's a pile all right.

Eek Andrey...I was about to ask why those trees were coming down, then the picture from the ground showed all the trolley wires!!!
My new guy it taking instruction, and applying it well. Smart, and coming with little tree experience meaning no bad habits. Lots of experience in the rock climbing vertical world.

Root diseased, dead Doug fir. IMG_20170302_125943484.jpg
My new guy it taking instruction, and applying it well. Smart, and coming with little tree experience meaning no bad habits. Lots of experience in the rock climbing vertical world.

Root diseased, dead Doug fir. I had him watching my cutting, and let him pound wedge on a dozen other trees. I started the initial 3 kerfs, and walked him through, letting him cut and wedge. IMG_20170302_125720299.jpg IMG_20170302_125943484.jpg
Nice when they actually learn and listen.
My new kid wants to run before he can walk.. I think I mentioned him before. About telling him about learning buttons and levers on the rake first.
He can use the chipper now. Feeds it mostly.
I pretty much ascertained he has not much aptitude for this work. Rob, Katy and Mike have bigger hearts than I and convinced me to try to train him on a chainsaw. So I tried...
He does not absorb information, or is a contrarian. Tell him to not cut over his head, he will. Show him how to read tension and compression wood, he cuts opposite. You pretty much have to tell him how to approach every cut. I blame our education system...

Mike, closer to my age, is becoming a damn good faller, as did Jason and the other Mike before him.
Glad to see you get some good help, Sean.

Stephen, sounds like you need to send that dude packin!
I wish some of you guys were closer, I would love to work tree removal/trimming for awhile. At least until my seasonal job starts back up. I even know how to operate rake levers and buttons...
That is about the highest stump I've seen anyone cutting without using springboards.