The Official Work Pictures Thread

I was thinking the same thing Stig. I'm often well into the root flare as I hate hearing the stump guy bitch. I've come to learn he whines no matter what so I'm not quite as low anymore.
Boy I like looking at Sam's pictures...I get to see how some of that cool looking gear I see in catalogues actually works.
Awww. Jeez. You guys are the real deal. I like looking at YOUR pictures! The stuff Stephen posts is what they teach in rigging seminars. It's amazing. I'm honored to even be on the periphery.

Thank you Fiona. :)
Paul, Looks like more dunnage would be more stable. Yikes!

You get in some crazy places, and get the job done!!

I wonder if it's reasonable and if it would add security to have rebar run down through predrilled holes in the dunnage to prevent/ impede shifting, if there was to be some settling.

After some other work...

A slick barked Madrona removal, well 80% removal, therefore the ladder start,maybe 80', centered right over the driveway.

Dropped brush into a single lane gravel driveway between the pump house with a plastic roof, and another building. Speed lined two pieces, free dropping almost all of the rest with timing the releases of the cuts. Chunked wood into gravel. Homeowners are cleaning up.

The other building... A greenhouse. Scared it with one limb. Got lucky.
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Yeah... Paul. :rockon:

Actually... great stuff... all a yas! Andre!! Dang, dude. Rich... yer getting dangerously close to provoking me to some real anger, dude... back off on the stump shots, K? :lol::lol::lol:

Got to prune one of our few remaining residential O.G.P's today. (Old Growth FirPig) 135' (wind topped @ about 16" diameter) by about (I'll get the butt measured tomorrow when Joe and I strip the rest of the Ivy off it.) 6.5' dbh. Man, what a pig... check out the limbs on this pig. The first shot is the "before," shot.

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Here's what the top looked like...

Oh... here's the final (it's not a flush-cut by any means, but I'll confess that the shot looks weird) cut on one of the dead limbs... Stinkin pig... there were bark beatle stains evident in two different century's of this limb's (about 80' up) life. I'll count the rings on the limbs tomorrow, and measure the dbh of the tree. I'm thinkin 6' all day long... maybe 6.5. We'll see. Absolute pig.



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Whoa Jed, thats the size of a home grown county fair pig with a blue ribbon!!

Nice work, and keep us posted and more pics please ;)