The Official Work Pictures Thread

An ancient giant Jed, I'd be curious of the age of that thing. That's not a pig, it's a full grown boar hog! Great pics.
Sean, "scared it with one limb" is too funny. It probably would've scared me more.
Good grief Paul, that is a wild cribbing pic. I might've been a little skeered on that one too but I know it's not your first rodeo.
When you say "pruning" what exactly do you mean?

Pretty much just deadwooding, Mick. Our corporate term is "crown-clean," which is supposed to entail removal of deadwood, and all crossing branches. I started out down the crossing-branch road, and the neighbor threatened to call the cops if I cut out "one, single, more, green, little piece." That made me cease and desist. The guy was darn near as old as the stinkin tree so I figured I'd just do what he said. Kinda dumb to cut much out of those oldies anyway.

Here's proof that I was pleased as punch with myself to get the ivy off the butt today...


Joe also got me trying to get a dbh via the Van Pelt method...


Photographic evidence that it's a pig...


I took four different measurements to try to get what Van Pelt would consider "breast height," and came up with 21' 2" circumfrence twice, and bang-on 21' twice. We'll go with 21' circ. The higher math pi division puts ya right at 6'6 and 3/4" diameter. My estimate was off by 3/4" dangit. Pig anyway. Here's the after pic off my crappy phone...

Deva: What the heck was her "brass kettle," for?
Jed I love to see old beat to shit gear still in use�� be green , work it to death.

I'm glad somebody has the patience to strip ivy because it isn't me
That's one heck of a pig Jed. I won't bother you with any stump pics today as I only dropped two small spars and one of the youngsters did the rest. Mine were picture worthy only to honor your mentor ship.
Good tree, Jed!

Finished this removal this morning, Chunking into an uphill drop zone. Flat, but not big. Tree had minimal taper. Taller that at the time of the bid 😋. Considered negative blocking for a minute, but didn't.

The power company had just upgraded the line, taking it off of the tree as an intermediary, putting in the pole in the picture. Homeowner will cut into rounds

Ran into Benjamin Franklin more than once 😋.

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Then, a quick fir climbing removal job, and uprooted Japanese plum. My new guy is working out well, learning quickly, working hard.

Had to stop him from trying to engage the chipper clutch at high idle, though. Yikes.
Jed, you did that tree proud...looks good. Sean...funny how they grow between when you first see them and then when you climb them!

Scott...that looks like a mess of a tree...and on the ground, too. Hate untangling my bombing sites.
Gary we chipped all brush and left all wood where it land thank goodness!

The brush you see on ground is just some small live oaks and wild olive tree trying to make it.


Ill be working on that oak to the left of truck pic next week ;)

Mistletoe and low hanging branch reduction
Should be a good before and after picture on the Oak, Scott:thumbup:

Good work all around folks, well done.
Gnarly nasty oak Scott. Curious how the California live oak compares to the southern live oak. Extremely heavy, hard, dense, twisted and just about impossible to split and burn?
Nothing like a flop in the slop Rich.
Don't hate me Jed... Jed close your eyes. Don't look...

C'mon now... you know I'm lovin it.

Scott: That last pic was just beautiful, man.

Sean: Bangin out some nice Firs... super glad to hear that the new-guy's comin right along. Takes patience, brother... I'm tellin ya.

Paul: I was thinking about you the other day... remember that hideous rope-burn that you got, that you were telling Fiona about? Man... can't quit thinking about that one. Care to elaborate on how that came about? I've had two pretty nasty ones myself, to where I felt like I couldn't open my hand up wide, because the skin had got tight from the burn.... but that's nothing at all compared to your ordeal. Sounds like a nasty chunk of Oak or something gave you the pinch.

Sean: Dude, that wrench is yours! Don't shy-away from sending me your address just because Jaime's Akimbo is still impossible for me to get my greedy hands on.
This pine was growing up through a magnolia that we were instructed not to harm and we were able to zip most of it into the neighbor's drive. A pretty day on the bay. Some serious storytelling going on in the last shot.
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Beautiful Ray!...nice job on that sappy pine :thumbup:

Live oaks here are awesome for firewood with twisty grain and heavy as lead