Suppose a metal detector has detected metal. What to do?)New chain = metal detector
Change chains for a minute.
Rich, @Raj has found success with a home- fashioned milling winch (boat-trailering winch, possibly)
I haven't tried mine, yet.
Might be a good help, especially without gravity- assist (log oriented in- line with a down-slope) on such a mighty oak.
Beauty of a slab!
Ding, ding, right answer👍Ha, this licensed arborist should know, but yeah nah, afaik, any given part of a tree stays at the height it first appears at and it just gets thicker and bigger over time. But higher height is achieved via new apical.....meristems.....which give rise to other new tips the following season, and so on.
But yeah, there was barbed wire ingrown in the tree top. Doh!
I've often wondered how trees twist as if rotating while growing, and have so few branches down low as to have a perfectly smooth trunk log. I think somehow the trunk must grow too, but I've never figured it out, always wondered about it.Ha, this licensed arborist should know, but yeah nah, afaik, any given part of a tree stays at the height it first appears at and it just gets thicker and bigger over time. But higher height is achieved via new apical.....meristems.....which give rise to other new tips the following season, and so on.
But yeah, there was barbed wire ingrown in the tree top. Doh!
I think somehow the trunk must grow too...