As usual, Gerry said it all.
What he said makes sense and was what I was thinking of, and stubs also came to mind and sure enough he included them in the explanation,.
As usual, Corey and Gerry said it all. Oh what a pother one raises for having junky internet. My stinkin phone wouldn't let the text screen pop up last night (thanks for the kind words Stikine, but, as usual, I don't deserve them) which allows one to text, and yet I COULD post the pics... the double post was NOT my idea. My wifey is on it right now with the internet company. The guy pulled up all his data, "Ok, so.... who's Jed?" wifey: "My husband." Internet dude: "Wow. Well... his iPhone is sucking the life out of your entire household."

Thanks a ton Eastside for conducting ALL of your business via What's App over our stinkin phones.
Anyways gents... I couldn't type. If I had been able to, maybe I would have had the presence of mind to have screamed at the top of my lungs that my shallow "repel notch," was really only a means of zipping my saw down super fast for more gas.

But seriously though... yeah... what Gerry said... that stinkin rope will crawl right up out of a shallow-cut (read: without vertical walls) notch, especially if yer saw is cutting rough and yer rope is pretty wore. All that upward-running friction (as the boss explained about a hundred times better than I) will crawl right up and leave you like what Mick said. Happened to my buddy's dad and ended his career last year. Seans: This was at Arbor Magic and not Eastside.

The rest of the near-fatalities (and literal fatality) are all ours though.😞😖
Yeah though... the crane boys are already up and runnin again as if nothin had ever happened, and with our old crane whose boom is supposed to be hooped, but is now somehow magically better. 🤔 My two closest buddies have already quit the company as a result.

Lots of drama, but let us all thank God it's not on YouTube this time.
When I cut my rappel notch, I use darn near vertical walls, and I rip a solid three inches down. I round out the corners too for a smoother glide, and I feel like this also makes the notch a hair deeper as well.