Cory: I just apologized to Chris Maragulia for forgetting all the specs on our new crane. A guy like me could be expected to remember that, but... I don't like crane work which probably says a lot about why I forgot. I'll get some pics of it when it comes in which will probably be a bit.
Gary/John: Thanks gents. I probably should have roped a lot more limbs than I did, but I've been really lucky out there, and there hasn't been a breath of wind. We have not hat to rope any wood... just prayin we can get our logs to land flat via Gerry's 270 degree flop trick. Today my buddy Kent went up to take out a small Cedar, but didn't realize that a Big Leaf Maple had been using the Cedar as a trellis. Well... he cut that Cedar down and the stinkin Maple lead just fell straight across the road and slapped the power lines. The power lines saved out, but it took out some stupid com line. None of the residents have complained yet, so we just fessed up to the contractor guys and kept rollin. We'll see what comes of it. Doubt if anything.