2 hours, nice.
Do you use a mini ex often to chip with?
Sean: Rad pics. Yeah... what Burnham said... you gotta have some guts to go up very high in a goofed up willow. Fat wood. Nice job.
No Corey, we have never used one in fact. Funny story: Our owner Matt Rengo just bought that thing especially for this county job. Well... the danged thing didn't come in on time (it's held up back east somewhere) and he (Matt) was so ticked that he hired Pacific Tree's (with operator!!) to do the job instead.

Just worked a half-day today because I had to get to Dr. Malouf's office for a crown on my nasty tooth (English ancestry).
Still got to take down this 170" pipe. DANGIT! Forgot the pics are still on my stinkin iPhone, which I cannot figure out fer the inbred life of me. My daughter will help me.