Burnham: Yeah, tell me about it! Glory to God fer the rain clearing all the smoke outta here. Today (Sunday) might be one of the most beautiful pieces of weather that any human has experienced since Adam and Eve were given the boot. I literally feel like I'm in paradise at the moment.
Corey: What in the world is a Harmonic Dampener supposed to be. Wow... sorry for all of yer recent mechanical troubles. I look on it (the mechanical stuff) as just this periodic blight which is just bound to happen... hurts to the fiercest degree (except, perhaps, getting robbed) and somehow seems to take such a giant negative toll on a guy's overall existence. Sometimes I'll get home, and my wife's like: "What's wrong?"... and I'm like, "Chipper broke down."... and she's like, "Dude, you look like somebody died or somethin." and I'm like, "Somebody DID!"
Dude you gotta get some pics up of that Sycamore pig coming up. Who's the ninja? Why doesn't Patric work for you? Any idea on Maynerd's whereabouts? Poor bloke.
Patric: Dude, yer killin some PIGS these days. Really nice pics man. Thanks.
Ohio, and UK Rich: Do you guys ever weird out on how much you guys have in common? I mean... seriously... you guys have both slain some gigantor Sycamore pigs. We don't get to kill them too often, but when we do, we all just pray that it's in the winter. I too (Ohio Rich) have found the wood to be oddly fickle, but I shan't degenerate to story-telling here. But it is as if the strength of the holding wood IS really highly variable, isn't it? I don't miss them pigs to be honest.
Corey: 110 foot Sugar? Wow. We might actually hafta get some pics up of
that pig. I don't wanna hafta unfriend you.