The Official TreeHouse Martial Arts Thread!

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That is awesome!!

Man you must have muscles in your sh*t between climbing/treework and martial arts. Is it a lot to make them both happen or not that crazy of a push? I would think one would leave you drained for the other.

But good luck, sounds awesome!
Muscles in your shit? How do you train for THAT???

ya know, massive amounts of exercise produces muscles even in the most unlikely of spots. Excess muscles to burn.
That is awesome!!

Man you must have muscles in your sh*t between climbing/treework and martial arts. Is it a lot to make them both happen or not that crazy of a push? I would think one would leave you drained for the other.

But good luck, sounds awesome!

Haha thanks. Not too sure about muscles in my shit. The shit is pretty lean though... ;)

I must admit I have been doing more BJJ than MT recently. My son trains on a tuesday and thursday so I meet him after work as he make his own way there. I do the 1.5 hour BJJ class after his training and he does his homework then we go home. It works and I would like to get there more. Between that and the missus workload sometimes it is hard to make it back for the Adult Thai classes as i get home and sometimes don't have the energy to drive back into town... it can be as little as 35-40 minutes but if traffics heavy it can take an hour plus.

I find I ache a lot these days. The flexibility needed for BJJ sometimes gets me the day after in the hips. I need to be more flexible but might be on the losing end of the fight in that regard. I have been using the elastic bands for shoulder rehab doing the exercises that Rico posted a while back. Seems to help but my shoulder can ache after a hard day.

One thing I do get comments on is my strength. I usually get tapped out due to lack of technique by the higher ranked guys. But they all say that the leverage (read long arms and legs) and the static strength is in my favour I just need to get more technique down.

Either way, I am looking forward to training in the mornings and chilling on the beach for the rest of the days.

Ill take some pictures. and post them up when I get time.

Thanks for the comments.
Just thought I should let you know that I'm not envious.

Not even the tiniest little bit.

Haha. You wouldn't be envious if you had my kids in tow. They are good kids and I love them to death but they drive me crazy some days.

I must have missed it Stig, about your wrist. Shit happens and hopefully it will heal quick.

How often do you get to train these days... when the wrist was working correctly?

I used to dismiss the older guys saying that as you get older the aches and pains hang about for longer. Now I am starting to appreciate their words. I am hoping a bit of heat and solar warmth will sort my hands out. It is either the cold weather or the grappling but sometimes my knuckles are so stiff in the morning. Mind you, 20 odd years of punching things hasn't helped. I hope it isn't arthritis, but I have a feeling a doctor would put it in this category due to the hobbies and pastimes previously mentioned.

Every winter it is the same though. They don't hurt in the summer, so I will be a 'glass is half full' kind of guy and say it must be the cold weather. ;)
I train twice a week.
I'd be hopeless against a well trained fighter like you, but had a run in with one of our muslim immigrants this summer.
20 some years old and used to people being afraid of him simply because he was an arab.
That didn't work so well with me.
I manhandled him a bit, yelled into his face that he should make up his mind whether he'd want to stand around yelling like an arab or actually fight like a man.
He chose the first option.
Just from the hands on contact, I knew he was mine for the taking.

Best thing about that was, after he got into his car and left, some of the onlookers came up to me and said, I sure handled that arab asshole well:D

So, old but not completely to be dismissed.
I liked that story, Stig
Handle it! Good one, Stig. I'm sure the idjit had no idea how many options swirled thru your head during the time you were dealing with him. Or rather how many times your body/mind reset, re-calibrated to the situation.
It was a case of road rage.
There is an old guy who goes shopping in our nearby town with a horsedrawn buggy.
I've seen him a lot of times.
One fine saturday I ended up going into the "downtown" area behind him.
Lots of traffic coming the other way, so no chance to pass.
I didn't care, wasn't in a hurry.
Then the driver behind me freaks out, start trying to squeeze by me and when that doesn't work, start revving his engine again and again and again and honking his horn.
Eventually I got tired of him, so I turned around and politely flipped him the finger.
When I got to my greengrocer and pulled in to park, the guy drove his car up on the opposite sidewalk, fast, scattering pedestrians left and right and jumped out and ran across the road at me, arms going like windmills.

There were too many witnesses for me to just drop him, so I chose the other option.

Afterwards it occured to me that the way he came at me, everybody would have said self defence if I had just knocked him out.

One is always much smarter after the fact.
One of these days you're gonna run into a punk with a pistol, and that won't be any fun at all.

I used to do that stuff - I don't anymore.

Just move on - nothing happening here!
No guns on the streets here, Butch.
That is simply not a thing one has to worry about.
Stig the story got even better:D8), thanks for sharing!
Here is a good martial arts story for you.
Just thought of it for some reason.

About 20 years ago I was doing a series of self defense seminars in different sports karate dojos.
Basically showing students of sports karate, how they could make their training a bit more self defence like, by paying more attention to the original roots of karate which was not about scoring points in matches.

I'd have them work at different stuff and one thing I showed was how you can deflect punches by jerking the puncher around.
This, of course, doesn't work very well if the person punching you is way bigger than you, so I would always pick a smaller person to punch at me.

So once I had a hold of this small feisty girl's Gi and told her to try to punch me in the face.
She is gamely punching away and I'm jerking her this way or that so she is only hitting air.
After a few seconds I figured I'd got the message through, so I let go of her.
Then she hammered me right in the kisser, hard enough to split my lip and sit me on my ass.

So I learned that saying "stop" before you let go is a smart thing:lol:
Dang women!

Protect yourself at all times!
Well we have been training for two hours each morning. The heat makes it hard work but I quite enjoy that. Haakon is coming on great guns. The trainers are really good at this gym and make the sessions fun. There are a couple of ex champions here and a nice mix of people training.

We have been eating nice food and then chilling on the beach for the rest of the day.

A couple of pictures.



