The Official Critter Thread

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1) I'm shocked nobody gave feed back on that Roo vid, help me out, was it just meh or what? I couldnt stop watching it:|:

2) Why did Tri's leg have to go away? How's she doing overall?? Lemme guess: acts like basically there is nothing amiss, still agile, still contented?

Whoah, FFZ parting with 5 big ones to save an animal, geez, what is the cold snap affecting your thinking? You coulda gotten a baby porcupine instead, they are personality stars I hear.
She was a barn cat that came to the house one evening. We thought that was strange so we let her in.

She had a bone exposed on the bottom at the joint and it clicked on the floor when she walked. Vet figured she got hung up in something and f ed it up.

She is doing well, keeping her inside until the hair grows back. After that we will see if she wants to go back out.

She is a good cat, payed her way catching mice over the years. Spent 600 on the puppy the other day after she got snake bit.........

It's kind of funny though. As I type this I am sitting at my reloading bench making ammo by the hundreds.......just in case I have to kill scores of animals this winter. No explanation for it!

Before you give me anymore shit, how many times have you gotten hurt or frostbite from saving a calf?

Had your arm in a cow up to your armpit trying to save a cow?:P
Good post.

"Had your arm in a cow up to your armpit trying to save a cow?" Cmon, you loved it;)

Aint no cows nearby. I've helped a number of turtles cross the road :drink:
Jim, I know two veterinarians that are avid hunters.

Can't really wrap my mind around that either.

But then I've never understood the need to go and kill animals for fun, when there are plenty of people.
Um yeah we saw this pic in the other thread. Do you really want to be saddled with all the rodent control work this guy was taking care of for free?
Owls took a lot to learn how to live with?? :/:
It's wild dogs that are the main pest to farmers here, they're a major problem.

There's a bounty on them in some areas, Victoria was paying $50 each and $10 a fox. Some land holders could get $120, it's a bit complicated. Not sure about Queensland now but they are pretty bad up there and northern NSW.

They hang them on fences up there, Victorians like to be different.

At least a couple of warm coats there.

We have issues with feral dogs here and their new intermixed coyote offspring. The coyotes are bigger because of it and quite bold.
Have to watch your kids and live stock close.
The feral dogs are worse IMO. We have lost more to them than anything else. Goats, Chickens, geese, ducks.
I wanted to make a rug out of the neighbors Malamute I neutralized this summer but the wife wasn't onboard with the idea.
Neighbors...wonder if you can make a decent rug out of Monkey skins? One came into a friend's house recently and stole a Pineapple off the dining table.
Coyotes are getting worse here. There's a couple that are coming right close all the time now. I'm just biding my time to set my big fellas on them. They'll never catch them, but it's funny to watch the big galutes try.

I've been warned many times, the coyotes will turn on them and school them. Doesn't seem to be their style though. I don't like them coming in to close trying to pick off my barn cats or my little dogs. I'm always amazed how much the horses could care less about them. I've seen them right close and it would seem to the horses they are just another dog, nothing to worry about.

My fearsome crew.
