I had to put Sam down yesterday.
Got home from shopping and he couldn't get out of the truck.
When I got him out, he was totally disoriented and confused.
Minor brain hemorrhage is my guess.
So I dug a grave in the Walnut grove where all the dogs end up and shot him.
He was a really good dog.
I'm actually glad it ended.
13 years is OLD for a dog that size, and the last couple of weeks I've been thinking that maybe it was getting to be time to pull the plug.
It is a hard decision to make, so for me, it was good that the decision was taken with no input from me.
Fortunately, he used to go live with my x-wife ever so often, so Thais hasn't figured out that he is dead.
He thinks Sam is off visiting.
My little grandchild is going to take it hard, I think.
She really loved him.