The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

That was painful to watch. After that backwards "face cut" and going over that cut he made before the video in the front, he could have just pushed that tree over. Use a wedge if you need it, but don't keep making new, pointless cuts. The bar getting pinched was horrific and I love how he called the chain a "blade." He cut straight through the tree eventually and it's obviously just stuck up at the top, but my man keeps wanting to make it come down with cuts. The biggest mystery is why this guy posted that video! bahaha *plays Unsolved Mysteries music*

EDIT: Not wearing eye protection is always a good idea, too.
Right? It’s like he’s doing a tutorial. The comments lit him up but all you saw was his comebacks and the comments were deleted. He didn’t have a single humble bone in his body
Jer, far as I know you have to show a climber's certificate to buy a top handle in the UK.

Not here, any idiot can buy a saw here.
In order to use it professionally, you need a chainsaw certificate, otherwise your insurance is void.

My little female faller just passed her test............grinning the whole way.
Jer, far as I know you have to show a climber's certificate to buy a top handle in the UK.

Not here, any idiot can buy a saw here.
In order to use it professionally, you need a chainsaw certificate, otherwise your insurance is void.

My little female faller just passed her test............grinning the whole way.
it‘s true, for a top-handle you need to show some certificate either climber or bucket-truck, in germany aswell. nobody care‘s for it, though. when there‘s money to be made :)

i forgot because i mever had to show it…
Jer, far as I know you have to show a climber's certificate to buy a top handle in the UK.

Not here, any idiot can buy a saw here.
In order to use it professionally, you need a chainsaw certificate, otherwise your insurance is void.

My little female faller just passed her test............grinning the whole way.
What insurance is void?
I had a customer who wanted that I "accidentally" drop some ash on his shitty shed (more like a ruin ) because MY insurance pro would pay for it !
But of course !
Many years ago I walked away from a job. It was a big oak tree over an old, ratty mobile home that looked like it was about to fall apart. The guy was willinbg to pay me $1500 just to get it on the ground. My gut told me he wanted an insurance claim on his crappy mobile home so I passed.
Why would you need insurance in a country with such great healthcare?
Your healthcare and the healthcare of an injured employee wouldn’t be an issue (in France and the UK which is all I know) it’s the loss of earnings, the Health and Safety people investigating or them suing you for not following safety procedures.
Pretty sure there is universal healthcare in Denmark, don’t know why @stig put that.
Lose an arm and healthcare doesn't help much.
Yep, it is loss of earnings and the like, I was thinking about.
Should have put that clearer.