
Another fine point, just tossed out there a few times as woven thru the ABoK lessons, w/o much focus given:
from lesson#1669: "...a Round Turn on the Standing Part adds materially to the strength of the knot."
>>knudeNoggin experiments and states not if Round Turn(RT) pre-fixes on the host mount
>>i think RT on host takes enough tension out that RT on Standing Part(SPart) can't grab hard enough to give the effect
>>than a simpler Half Hitch(HH) that just shears across the SPart (as sole load support) most harshly
>>perhaps carrying some of the load force/unloading SPart some
(if enough tension left in that part of rope for RT to use to grip/only 1 pre-fixing Turn).

Standard Half Hitch ((HH) shears across the Standing Part more, this does grip harder on the host than if the Round Turn (RT) is used .

>>this would pull open even more on load side of host , at the already worst Nip position of standard HH.
>>so for #1669, Ashley uses purposefully the fig8 rather than HH tuck style, and gives 2 tucks.
This makes stronger than previous Timber Hitch fig8, that he shows can take 2 instead of 1 tuck
>>as recommends 3 tucks for normal Timber Hitch
>>but that was in higher friction Hemp >> would go with 3+ tucks always and all ways
Would never just tightly pack the 3 tucks close to Standing Part, but rather spread out so last tuck is in highest Nip region logical
>>and preceding Nips are much less consequential helpers, more of spacers to the better Nip.
Round Turn pulling along the sole load support of the SPart more properly, rather than shearing across SPart so harshly (in any mechanix, cutting across 90 degrees is very harsh)
See how these pull more along, inline the long axis of rope, like a splice does more properly.
rather than shearing across supporting column architecture at right angle like do with a wrench to break, not support something.

In round slings modeling we commonly see these forms of this principle.

See Cat's Paw as Double Bearing on host, 2 support legs, each with loose splice hold
>>VERY strong compared to most any other knot
>>can have Girth version, but not self adjusting legs
>>logically can have Cow version, of 1 support leg
or reduce back to fig8.RT version maintaining same concept.
The separate parts shown in original picture can be seen in and taken to other knots.
>>just as if rope was another material
>>just as if were working in wood, rock or metal etc. and take out one part and out in a 2 hole version to hold rather than 1
Rope is just another material, subject to same support rules as other materials
Save the exclusions of defining differences of the 'flexibles class'
>>don't have to heat, pound, chip, carve to re-form >> just unload
>>don't need connectors between parts and utility functions as is already built in!
But, can only be rigid when
B>along linear length
C>in tension direction(along linear length)
Tuning similar knots w/1 change to different mechanical utility functions
>>to show overall prevailing functions of the family/set consistently
>>types of adds/subtracts and differences they gave to cross-verify to other knots to correctly call out their own mechanix consistently
>>to take to more knots to investigate, design, even purposefully name as purposefully groom each ropePart to max performance..
All 3 of these Hitches can give some rope length adjustment to support, Awning doesn't slide to adjust under load like the other 2 more familiars; but gives quick release utility instead.
These 3 tools can be formed quickly in rope material
>> just a question of picking the right tool to correctly deploy
>>knowing the under the hood workings, can help choose, create, align, maximize even differentiate etc. in usage and to then more learning..
#1798 the Awning Knot is brought up several times in ABoK, yet not widely known
>>probably because is a teetering balance that must be set just right, but then 'spill' by tail pull or even can be kicked free!.
Mainly as tied to a ground stake, for carnival etc. awning; some reference to magic trick etc.
>>This gives a quick release w/o purposeful bight of folded at Nip point as slipped Half Hitch, Sheet Bend, Clove, Anchor etc.
This is very rare, as like Square Knot in Round Binding (was once even called Hercules Knot) holds so well in Natural fiber in Round Binding w/o slipped bight and spills instantly(never use as Bend, for needs expanding host of Binding to securely Nip)

Awning Knot holds itself by being placed into 'a bind'(not binding) against self as like can't lift self by own bootstraps
>>but destabilize structure instantly to spill
>>use that fierce trap (w/o destabilizing) and throw on a Half Hitch and have next knot in ABoK #1799 the Midshipman's Sliding Friction Hitch
>>but loose the quick release function
>>light duty tho, does not slide well under load>> can jam under load
Remove the fierce bite on what would be Awning Tail by grooming out Midshipman's to neat turns before final Half Hitch
>>and have Rolling or Taut Line version with 2up 1 down.
>>prefer L-earning stage of 2up 2down until know what are doing w/mechanix of load, any different materials, risks etc
>>especially as all knots in ABoK were used in higher friction securing Natural fiber, that for same load were thicker too>>moderns much slippier.
If last Half Hitch (or Round turn in 2 over 2) of Rolling Hitch is reversed is called Magnus
>>reversed so more of a Cow straight bar(showing reverse turn direction) than a Clove Zbar finish (showing continuous turn direction)to final Half
>>less torqued spin with the counter-torque properties of the Cow (witnessed several times in ABoK of this and rest of Backhand Turn based knots)
It seems(?) Midshipman's would be made to a non-moving anchor position, Reverse Half for Magnus, while Taut Line would be on load
>>naming varied even back then and then even today, i think mechanix more important until communicating is main aim.
Can smoothly 'switch gears' between tools, init setup w/Awning, tune as Midshipman's
>>back to Awning when want quick release mode back again.
>>if heavier load can than can slide usually pinch ropes together hard above Midshipman's,
>>loosen Midshipman's, sneak ropePart out of fierce bite
>>and rotate to top of stack for Rolling Hitch
Reverse procedure to bring back thru to Midshipman's, then Awning strong hold waiting for release.
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Previous Hitches can form very strong if spaced away from host support, for softer geometry/less sharp deforming bend to the sole load support of the Standing Part.
>>Do not pull up to bottom/load side of host tightly unless forced to>> so truly right angle grab to host only or can slide along host
>>These have the minimal 3x 180 Arcs on Standing Part empowered to grip along Standing Part more properly like a splice
>>rather than no grip ability of a single 180 Arc, sliding to tight against host and shearing at right angle across support of Standing Part.
The below knots are all very good, have 3x 180 Arcs on Standing Part
>>but are not continuous, uninterrupted force flow thru these Arcs, so does not give same grip utility
>>So, these are very secure, but less revealed strength efficiency do to the sharper deformity of the support of Standing Part being sheared across during drawing up to the tighter seating to host, but less likely to slide sideways on host if just a little side angle force input. (But meant s a right angle hitch, just more tolerant if not).

Another concept repeats in that the Cow like finishes of 2 Opposing Half Hitches and the Lobster Buoy do have the counter torque to them and are easier to untie. 'Outies' of 2 continuous or opposing Half Hitches may be spaced away from support, then tail double seized down against Standing Part, as to not shear across Standing Part but rather pull along, and perhaps give another leg of support(?).
Would be more like previous post hitches, not seating hard to host, nor shearing hard across Standing Part.
>>and perhaps strongest of the other Hitches of both posts by this 'small' (but 'permanent') change.
>>MANY Hitches were seized (especially double seized) in the old ships etc. days; especially permanent, remote, constant use, of changing pull directions(including low to anchor and high to masts)
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One of the things favor rope/string/throwline for is supporting/pulling lines of fuel, pipe, wires up or out of the way with Friction Hitches.
>>Better/less harming to pipe wires etc. than hard supports
>>also vibration and thermal buffer
>>wide, soft , conforming support to horizontals with side pull of Prussics and Blake's etc. for more linear pull, support of verticals
>>even if no string etc.; to same concept spiral or prussic thin long plastic wire tie around fuel line etc. then support that tie with adjustable wire tie.
>>getting location just right and giving wider, softer support than metal hook, post etc.
Fix/mitigate/ward off problems by these concepts.

Constrictor Hitch very good hose clamp in a pinch LEVERAGE TIGHT. Throwline very good for this, especially make a Double Constrictor setup, then leave last Nip loose and LEVERAGE TIGHT thru first Nip only, pinch/hold and pull 2nd Nip to seat.
More than just a fancy name, Constrictor in lesson#176 "When a dynamite cartridge is to be exploded with a fuse...Pull the two ends tight and it will hold as if adjusted with a ratchet." !! Doesn't state what Constrictor was made in for that usage, but Constrictor is a very real knot, aptly named! Many times have to cut off if not slipped.
i try to read, adjust, read etc. recursively, not just dictate will work this way and done; with these type shituations. Baby pipe/bundle so it has no 'distractions' /ways tempting to fail, even project start/stop impacts of water thru line etc. ; cradle it to it's full capacity and just let it do it's single job w/o fighting 'other things' that have balanced / ballasted out of the equation.
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The constrictor is a favorite of mine. I don't use it all the time, but when you need it, nothing else will do. Very handy.
Probably best standard Binding build, can be used as a Hitch.
>>In lesson #364 for Constrictor for garden hose , hose clamp ABoK makes bold, interesting claim
>>pictures a boy pulling with both hands on 1 end of Constrictor and both feet on other end as speaks about tightening:
" A ten year old boy can pull more effectively in this way than two strong men can, each pulling an end against the other." !!
Once in rush to funeral, water hose clamp blew out in Florida on a rainy night.
In yellow throwline tied/hyper leveraged tight Dbl.Constrictor thru first Nip first, then paste to host tight w/hand as pull tail to set 2nd Nip
>>had more water, on the road again.
>>next 2 on interstate gas stations no hose clamps
>>ticked me off bad enough rode it out to funeral, on time in Northern Indiana>>had to cut off Dbl.Constrictor
Bag knot easier, almost good as Constrictor in Binding, prefer over Constrictor as Hitch tho, especially slipped
Especially on a small host mount, where the Nipped Bitter End is brought around to higher/top of host.
As try to show here in study of Half Hitch security of Nip;
per 'radial dominance' to the apex opposing load pull.
In Bag, Groundline etc. Nip doesn't just go to 90degrees to side from load pull like Clove and Constrictor;
>>but rather ride above this midway line; not going under crossing but rather riding on it as a shelf to higher
>>on a large round host that would just be a hair higher degrees whys around
>>but on small round Clove and Constrictor still Nip to side
>>but Bag, Groundline etc. can jump a bunch of degrees around right up to top apex where best Nip is or at least closer to

Forces carry different thru the same structure if input defining force is different.
Hitch is a focused external linear force diffused around knot internals arcs to control
>>counterintuitively the linear axis directional force maintains thru the arcs
>>as degrades around from the source point
>>yet has a compounding forcePoint at apex of 180degree arc on w/load axis as a DIRECTION dictated by initiating load force
Binding is already diffused, directionless equal all around 'glow' of input force to same structure of controlling arcs
>>counterintuitively handles differently thru same architecture of arcs
>>Radial input to knot internals arcs is Native to arc>> no conversion loss
>>no degrading around to Nip, all tensions EQUAL
>>thus no compounding point w/o multiple crossings
Some fave usage option to Trucker's Hitch /Zrig i put together for elsewheres
>>some components can be carried to other knots and even pulley systems

Constantly seek using a 1st class lever (rigid or flexible) anywhere can to get bodyweight + effort + equal and opposite of effort against target.
>>as one of greatest things found >> but then yet not seen state other places
>>figured out sitting in DdRT arbo style >> where counter-intuitively have 2/1 over own self (less friction) w/o more load on support too!!
>>and how to use that thru systems against loads
>>to not just choose between apply part of bodyweight or part of effort
>>but confidently able to input all bodyweight and hammer with effort too,
>>cuz getting a double hit from it as the Equal and Opposite usually expressed onto ground etc. folded back into the system instead
This also closes the system to just you, support and load, no extra points of force to the ground etc.
>>so now instead of greater output of Zrig 3x compressing downward lesser output 2x lifting
>>have lost external points so both ends matching and at 4xEffort at compress or lift, then plus bodyweight at original 3x and 2x potentials!

>>the inset of effort inside the system also works very well with the hitch auto lock
>>at stand still the upper part of hitch is tenser and hitch locks,
>>but as pull input becomes greater input it releases some with dragging frictions
>>effort inset to 4x has a push lifting some of the frictions drag off w/the 2nd hand in the backwards pulled hitch/but still crossing phase of pulling into system
This carries exactly the same into our 5x compression jigs for tightening into ropeBrake etc
>>can tighten at 5x for speed, throw in the 2nd hand trick for final tweak to 8xEffort plus 5xBodywieght compression potential (less compounding frictions) and even more if impact by picking up legs sharply to hang as also impact with effort BOOM thru the multipliers.
Look as either insetting 2 points effort vs. common pulling from end with 1 point effort
>>carries well then to if put 1 pulley system on the end of another
>>or INSET the 2nd pulley system inside the primary so both ends of inset pull inside the primary system and go thru list of leverge multipliers separately to a larger total sum output.
>>then instead of pulling inset from end >>inset self inside of it

sorry, a repeat; but this is so sweeeeet
>>even in the simplest application of inset self(with rest just confirming how this goes on)
>>can get bigger whallup than next, larger guy and look like doing same thing
Outrunning my 8x focused + 5x bodyweight both impacted in with your 5x give it a pull?
>>not most days for sure, and never for as long!:big-mad-no:
>>and generally quicker than the next can even draw again to do what just couldn't, as i go purposefully hard confidently hitting max impacting to all multipliers 1x.
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Here is my view of the disallowing of some rope fibers for various reasons in arcs and knots:

Reduction of the amount of rope fiber 'soldiers' to do same work of supporting against same work load,
Leverages more work to each soldier, in some varying ways.
'Porty' 'Rope Brake' friction leveraged per 180 degree arc Turn of HOLD over Load.
>>Radial friction compounds by DEGREES not distance, so for any size aluminum pipe diameter gives same friction w/same rope.
The exponential jumps in friction per 180arc, are approximately 2xPrevious Friction+ 10% of sum
>>i look at this as 2x + safety margin 10% >> but in successive hops grows to be more and more hard frictions

*knudeNoggin IGKT terms Dbl.RT and Coil (like for Prusic..)
** my personal terms, shoe horned in where none clear,
>>a Round is 360, Dbl.Round 720, Triple 1080
>> so that 360(Round)+ 180(Turn) =, 540(Round Turn) logic etc.
*** knudeNoggin Round Turn abbreviation (IGKT)
This happens on every arc inside knot internals just at nylon on nylon CoF.
Research paper shows compounding friction from arc to arc even lacing thru gauntlets of fig8 and rope friction rack etc.
Forever thanks to original Dr. Attwater's original research paper for the " International Technical Rescue Symposium 1999" for lighting the way!
The 180arc specified lends to directionals of working same loaded axis in each of it's directions.
This lends to theory of Linear input of load (Bends and Hitches NOT Round Binding) counter-intuitively maintaining a residual input direction axis effect, even thru the arcs of receding tension from 'capstan effect' of Dr. Attwater's study/model/explanation.
This directional and it's compounding force against host is the pulley compounding effect of arc apex, that also gives best nip position in knots(theory).
Theory: all rope mechanix are arc controlled
>>linear force input into controlling arcs gives capstan effect of frictions reduction of tension from conversion linear to radial AROUND HOST.
>>while also maintaining some residual directional effect on input axis giving compounding AGAINST HOST.
2 reciprocal effects, as increase friction get more compounding tension loss ,
>>while reduces pulley effect of compounding directional force against host etc.
Capstan usage is of higher friction than knots, while pulley use is at less friction than knots
>>These 2 antagonistic reciprocals rule rope arcs that rule rope mechanix in knots, rigging etc.
>>As outer benchmarks that all knots are inbetween, with some of each effect per 180 arc.
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Many times i bring up seemingly confusing cosine/sine as proof, definition, logic etc.
i keep throwing these out thar, as most honestly the decoding keys to the kingdom once really grasp them.
For me, the clock analogy for sine/cosine and tangents very helpful decoder ring, on the fly, in everyday things to then become most familiar with patterns..
From a source instance, many things domino out wider and wider to eventual result.
Any full layer of dominoing effects in this that can be fully understood can help decode what happened and what next layer of effects are etc.
In the dominoing effects spawning/funneling out further and further, the really simplest 'translation layer' cosine/sine, to view all the forces thru at once. All values of each layer can change, and generally the players too. But, the cosine/sine layer view always has the same players(but perhaps different values), just these 2players the Ancients gift wrapped to us,from them watching the stars rotation at night; to find what rules them so much in larger context, that it must rule our micro world as well as part of that same larger context.
This is my model of cosine(focused axis) and sine(drift from focused axis) consistent place in knots, hinging, any mechanics even shadows.. The only thing with less players than the 2 of cosine and sine is the changing singular event that initiates the rest; but cosine/sine layer promises just one more and not changing the players, so know whom to watch!

Once get a hold of this, many things are just simple logic if A then must be B etc.

"The technique of abstraction, based on ignoring physical considerations which are seen as merely incidental. Whether it was a rope, a piece of wood or any other physical object was irrelevant. It was all about properties of 'straight lines' connecting at angles, nothing more. These lines are simply mental constructs and the only entity necessary to the solution of the problem. The process of abstraction is about getting rid of all the nonessential elements and considering only what is fundamental." -Ancient History Encyclopeida

This stuff can be like a prism, that breaks light to more precisely definitive bands of color, to be understood more.
Some plateaus and pitfalls can not be seen in this, until reach previous plateau, to make any sense of the lot at all.
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My 1D linear focused to dispersed unfocused radial/multidimensional /non 1D force to control knot geometry mechanics is to this model of perspective, backwards and forwards....
By dispersing a linear force line from rope around arcs, we can control it better, in this more diluted,spread out state (as opposed to the focused linear input imposed). Capstans/bollards etc. of which our own Porty etc. are perfect examples of this concept, that is in all rope mechanix/knots etc. For the linear parts are mostly just extensions and connectors; arcs are the real magic. Above pic shows just as gun barrel or piston cylinder take a radial force to most focused linear, rope mechanix work the revers utility of taking a focused linear and dispersing to radial.
i l-earned so much of this from working hands on with the Porty, that i see knots in 3 main stages: input, arc force reduction and final output to controlling ballast(input, machine, output). And just as if were bracing tight to take a sudden load to Porty, i would get the jump on the load by tightening up my side first, the controlling ballast, so that load doesn't tighten against me suddenly first instead; i tend to tighten knots backwards. i set the final ballast first, maybe overly so sometimes, then pull usual loaded direction to square out, and dress/groom the rest of the architecture.

i was taught that Round Turn around a sling or Cow's SPart(Standing Part) was a Bull Nose(d), as a strength additive as like ABoK lesson#1669 ".... a Round Turn on the Standing Part adds materially to the strength of the knot"
In this kinda Dbl.Slipped.Bull.Sheet above, i show the backwards tightening strategy, and kinda 3x180 arcs linearly applied, like those in rope manufacture, splice etc. The most radical deformity is the last, 3rd arc to each SPart pull, after softer arcs reducing some tensions. The 2nd and 3rd arc becomes the Bull nose for the opposing SPart.
3x180 arcs radially in Round Turn (RT) or linearly (splice, manufacture etc.) both are the start of 2dimensioanl geometry class of grip on host and fairly significant improvement on friction reductions. Less arcs reduce from the 2D geometry position/mechanics, while more than 3x180 arcs simply extend the 2D framework as compound more frictions. Round Turn 3x180 arc builds linearly or radially are significant as this border of the 2D geometry mechanix.
The very last think in chapter_21 Right Angle Hitches (norm), before the worst angle of pull chapter_22 lengthwise pull is in ABoK lesson#1732 "There's a lot of virtue in a Round Turn."; and yes there is!
Generally to advance a Friction Hitch we grab the host below the hitch and pull down and then also pull up on the hitch it self.
Simply adding a pulley, carabiner etc. to comb the knot 'up' can be a great help!
This can also be applied to an adjustable lanyard, where a D is the comb, usually on right D if right handed.
In climbing SRT, can have 8# gear bag etc. HANGING on bottom of line and no hands on rope and climb tree.
WARNING: If full force body weight below a Friction Hitch, rope shelf hitch sits on from slack area/swell can now get skinny as hitch unloads and less grip. If foot cam etc. below Prussik etc. is best if have 2 Prussiks , in 2is1, 1isNone redundant philosophy.

In Climbing DdRT , is easier to retrieve, gives 2/1 - friction self lift, but need pull from under hitch.
In training etc. this can go to trunk pulley redirect to SOFT hand pull, not to lift climber but LIGHTLY comb hitch up, w/o disturbing or off balancing climber etc.

(sorry 90's pic of DBY holding friction hitch comb! )
Should always see both yellow and blue colors on Bitter End of DBY, or need to inspect !
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For the think tank:

Treeman JRB visits TB and IGKT.
Strength/efficiency wise, i think the deformity given by carabiner pulls along more than shears across
most loaded point of initial deformity in Standing Part.
Especially for climbing believe in closed (both legs pulled) or
terminated/stopped run(on Bitter End leg).
Even if w/quick slipknot mechanical stop.
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i look at webbing as flat rope.

Most precise would take repetitive experiments.
>>But all the same would have lost bet on 1 twist as this stands.
But in real world, with more contacts to load, perhaps linear and not radial faces
>>think best overall bet would be no twist, and never a twist on a contact area if any.
Flat rope goes over bends will, as the deformed axis is the very minimalist flat one
>>round rope stands higher for more leverage against rope device
>>but in making a HH etc. can scrunch, deform across largest cross axis (to linear load down length of webbing)
This is most expressed in flat but wide webbing
>>much less so in 1" that is thicker than pure flat and offers less leveraged distance to deform across. 1" webbing safety testing
Much less i think in skinny dyneema slings therefore, and cross profile is even thicker as resistance to scrunching
>> so much so that 2 layers (dyneema folded) is about as thick as dyneema is across
>>so squarer to round to maintain more consistent strengths i think in 2 legs thru as Cow, even more so if both loaded/Girth, or with self balancing pulls /Round Sling, choker.
i see this squareness to profile when doubled also in 3/8" Tenex and paracord.
These devices seem to seek best of both worlds:
>> lay flat on a curve host were webbing is better
>> yet deform less with choke around 2 legs as are square as closest linear to round: where round is better!
Round is equilateral/ no leverage preference given/lost at any angle, square is closest non radial to that prescription i think
>>would not lower with webbing, only round from friction and on round host.
i also think/have always done: crank web, pinch off, clear spool, crank TIGHTER.
As the spool fills, leverage is lost.
BUT, at finish want at least 720degrees on spool for positive mechanical lock that way
In carrying trailers of brush loaded cross ways, we would use 2 straps lengthwise
CROSSED, so if started to slip off to one side, would tighten not loosen...
Set straps can be tightened more by bending together some or to side etc.

Radial vs. Linear matters in force as have tried to show w/funnel etc. to compress to linear or dilute to radial etc.
But is also matters as a choice in the type of medium/device chosen for strength etc.
BUT, Radial vs. Linear matter perhaps most in the host, the shape the material/device then adopts as a structure along with how the knot is tied.
Linear rope parts are just connectors, 180 arcs especially lend controls of friction, better nips and in more than 1x180 grips
>>this is something that can be lent in part by the device around self if round but mostly inherit from the traced host.


These all lay flatter around host mount where round rope weakens as is not flat, but then if Half Hitch around Self deforms/weakens harsher in flat than round rope. But the Paracord, Tenex and Dyneema Sling when folded are about same size as profile, so deform less scrunched in Half Hitch around self or choke etc. IN this way perhaps the best of both worlds: flatter on host like webbing and about square /almost round when 2 legs scrunched around by another to least deformity/almost round.
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i really like the Saddle Hunter Hitch(post#217 above), but not the angle of pull asserted to it parallel to host/ down the trunk.
Hitch itself has plenty of 180arcs and then pulls along SPart(Standing Part) with a 1D grip of opposing arcs, rather than shearing across the SPart with 1x180. i look at the arcs as presented on SPart as a linear list/gauntlet of arcs, as opposed to arcs usually radially listed on separate host. Linear list of arcs models most well in a rappel rack imagery, and pulls along rope like splice, not shears across like a hook at 90degrees pull across SPart etc.
BUT, the angle of pull on host is a different matter. There is not a strong seating to host on this side, just the double bearing on the reverse /off side. More Basket like than Choker like framework w/o the 4legs of support.
i characterize the difference by defining each has double bearing on host as ABoK speaks of. Giving 4 legs served from opposing/off side. Basket gets 4x1D supports without strong 1D grip(s) on host, Choker forsakes 2 support legs to Load for getting the seating on Load side to give 2x1D support and 2D grip on host from the 4 legs.
A Basket may jam into taking a 2D/lengthwise pull (1D grip across host + 1D pull along host);
But a choker more mechanically positively has the 2D framework to finesse more against the 2D pull mechanically , squarely.
Even with this ABoK warns not to expect the impossible at this WORST angle of pull with rope.

Saddle Hunter's is more of a Basket, than a Choker grab on host in this view, and hopes for a mechanic won't witness in ABoK chapter_22 dedicated to this worst angle of pull on host, even a rope column host for friction hitch. Workable as a jam more than a clean architecture in Basket kind of grip with lengthwise/2D pull to me.
Seek simply to have loading pull in same geometry dimension as opposing support response.
Basket of 4x1D support; when load pull is 2D/lengthwise does not present this basic architecture to command this level of support.
Saddle Hunter only gives 1 or 2 legs support of the 4 from double bearing/2 separate turns on host.
As uses the other 2 legs to secure to SPart, not for Load support nor host grip.
Would always want to use ROUND metal part here, many carabiner spines are more flat, re-apportioning metal from the side to the do not pull open axis.
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cosine vs. sine: setting cosine as a benchmark initially in scenario, not outside scenario.
ALL Physical Displacements Against physical space and/or physical force;
can be pivotally expressed every time as cosine of directness;
or it's non of sine(indirectness, not in same simple , single dimension of cosine benchmark) ; to cover all aspects of connected scenario.
Cosine/Sine are keys to the kingdom, of decoding what is going on in scenario.
Classically schooled to statically set cosine to horizontal as benchmark to any scenario framed, but any single dimensional length aspect can be used, so i use a linear force or support against that force for fewer calcs of comparisons. By dynamically setting cosine to scenario; then even cosine so Native to scenario it is one of the comparative elements. Such as using this linear force line as the cosine benchmark, anything not in that single unique dimension flows into the sine of the connected reference. Only the cosine is focused and direct as sine runs out diluting in all directions.

It is this sine of segmented dilution that we use in ropes as controls across rope for the forces running thru rope length to Load.
For rope mechanics are simply no different; same completely ruling maths Ancients witnessed forward to us as even commanding the stars who's revolution took 1yr increment cycle on their clock of 12mos in 4x90 degree quarterly seasons, as a microscopic view of the workings(at least certainly for 800bc) of what they they were dealing with.
Rope elements work generally in 2 different ways, powered by 2 different aspects of the imposed/input force.
The force down the length or the rope around the host bears the loading at the end of the rope as cosine in this model.
While the forces across the rope length control the load with frictions, nips and in opposing multiples grips.
This gives the major direct force down the length of the line to holding the load/cosine of rope length
>>while the lesser, deflected force of sine is used for the controlling frictions, nips and grips(if opposing multiples).
EXCEPT: at points of change/conversion; then in addition to lesser sine, we then have the major cosine force along with sine controlling the load. This can be on a corner between linear faces or much larger point/range of change thru a 180arc in radial face host. The host lends the structural form of the rope, but if radial host can still have some linear parts. Where the rope shows 180 arc structure, it opens the door to those specifically uniquely powerful arc(h) maths.
As in all structures, the 180 arc is a king in that it can use both the cosine and sine to same target, not to the usual, lesser separate utilities!
In this model, cosine exhausts out of existence to Equal & Opposite, while sine dilutes out of existence.
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This is how i look at any bight based knot/Bend, chasing the forces in electrical pressure, rather than tension pressure imagery. Naming them as High, Low and No voltages, w/arc and nip as conversion points/boundaries. i find this key to viewing Square family, Sheet Bends, Lapps, Surgeon's etc.

Applied to Sheet Bend tail in or out:

Then to the Lapp Knot here:

These show similar 'voltage' patterns to Sheets, but then also bring forth the view by comparison of weave or not.
i assume when tying i want WE(Working End) to weave into and out of arc Turns as a default mnemonic shorthand. Meaning i don't note if i am supposed to weave, just assume and simply note the exceptions that don't. This lowers the tying memory overhead, but also gives a different view of the functionality.
Sheet Bends weave into and out of the arc/Turn of a passive bight with the active lock side.
About matching Lapp, does not weave, but rather pass other rope parts until serves around arc and then passes rope parts again, until a final single tuck to secure.
A tuck is as WE serves under an existing , therefore greater tension AND thus also greater rigidity rope part to me.
A weave is more of where WE pass over an existing rope part on host, that has tucks on either side.
>>Kind of like a linear answer to RT of 3arcs listed radially on host
>>weave gives a more 3arc rappel rack function, as a linear listed gauntlet of arcs
But still, to the same 3arc sciences have tried to show.
With everything the same between tails same side forms of Sheet Bends and Lapps;
To weave or not, seems to be the single binary coin flip of determinant change defining between.
Lapp proper not as secure, but not then locking as hard as Lapp.
Tail in or out argued as best or not for Sheet Bend;
BUT Round Turn (RT) instead of simple Turn for lock side is a game changer for both problems.

In case the skull and cross bones as like ABoK w/Danger Will Robinson warning is unfamiliar or forgotten:

60's "Lost in Space" series, kinda about others that left the safety of the ground for whatever dangers
voice by famous announcer Dick Tufeld, Bill Mummy as Will, plagued by dangers and the Eddie Haskell-ish Dr. Smith
That's an interesting way of visualizing forces in a knot. I wonder if that could be done literally? Film a knot being pulled to breakage using infrared, or some other temperature reader. I wonder if enough heat would be generated to clearly show everything, with enough differentiation to show the various portions of the knot?
So, if I understand well, the bowline with the tail inside the loop is similar to the left sheetbend and should hold better than the bowline with the tail outside the loop, this last one being related to the sheetbend on the right. Right ?

For the Lapp Knot, just one loose end prevents the "omega loop" to slip through the "crossed loop". Both look sketchy to me.
So much my bad on this, i posted this on knot forum and brought it here to share theory of worx, Lapp knot is much lesser, have seen used as breakaway in some cases, or to prevent jam as specialty. It is presented for examination more than hard tree use.
That's an interesting way of visualizing forces in a knot. I wonder if that could be done literally? Film a knot being pulled to breakage using infrared, or some other temperature reader. I wonder if enough heat would be generated to clearly show everything, with enough differentiation to show the various portions of the knot?
i hope in our time, will see computer sensors even built into rope for thermals, tensions, stretches AND SEATING PRESSURES TO HOST as deeper reveals.
s like a progression of this, only from internals(repeat vid)

and then now adding:

But am always squinting trying to catch glimpses of this thermal 'bug vision'(wore breathable no fog bug eyez goggles a lot) aspect for clues to search.
Tail in/out is old argument, but about null and void to me if use Round Turn rather than single Turn for the lock/hitch part of any of these 3 Sheet/Bowl/Lapp.
This was subject to discussion in ABoK's time too, tho i suspect more key in laid 3strand ropes and the direction of that lay.
i came along on tail in always doctrine, thus tails to same side like Square knot, but greatly respect knudeNoggin, and have L-earned VERY much to fill in blanks of my own from him, and he is a tail out kinda thinker.
i will be shamelessly be stealing, the Omega line for my 110v, and then so too Alpha for the raw 220v input verbage TYSM!
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