Regarding Covid

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I met a customer yesterday who got the vax... then got covid.
Here's the gist of our conversation:
"So, you got the vax and you got covid anyway? How bad was it, cause I had it and it wasn't bad at all."
"Oh, it was awful. Sickest I've ever been."
"Obviously, the vax didn't work."
"Oh, no, the doctor said I would have been much worse without the vax."

Ummm, ok. The brainwashing is progressing nicely.
Yeah, yeah....cause you read it on the internet....

I’ll go ahead and say that writer is a LIAR. Catchy headline, no doubt. Kinda like in Chicago, 15 out of 16 crimes were committed by melonated peeples?
Yeah, yeah....cause you read it on the internet....

I’ll go ahead and say that writer is a LIAR. Catchy headline, no doubt. Kinda like in Chicago, 15 out of 16 crimes were committed by melonated peeples?
Here you go...

"There is an urgency to act as Alabama has a net negative intensive care unit bed capacity, children increasingly have COVID-19, and some local coroners have requested morgue trailers. Most of the COVID-19 deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are effective against both asymptomatic and symptomatic infection, severe disease, and death. You can, should, and must do your part and play a critical role in ending the COVID-19 pandemic."

That's from YOUR state, and YOUR state's health officer.

Can't you see this is ALL about the money? Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, are making BILLION$ from this. Hospitals are getting huge payouts for "covid" diagnoses, and even bigger payouts for ICU care. Everyone is jumping on the covid gravy train. It's even better than a war.
How much money are you making? Should I come down and frig you up every time a tree falls over?
Does anyone else find it odd that as more people get vaccinated, cases are rising? And don't try to blame it on the unvaxed. That doesn't fly.

What I find odd, is that this apparently only happens in the US.
Here we have almost everybody vaccinated and cases are down so low, that we have removed all restrictions and are living life like before Covid.
That does fly!
The vast majority of people in the hospital are unvaccinated. So they caught covid and apparently they're not building up the antibodies they need to because they're freaking dying. Their body can't handle the virus or they would not be in the hospital. So what Dave said makes great sense... natural immunity can be fine as long as you survive. What the medical people tell me is that many people are dying needlessly.
A vaccine that allows a virus to replicate in a vaccinated person ain't much of a "vaccine"
I might be persuaded (but not coerced, as is the case) to get a traditional vaccine for Covid if one ever gets developed.
This just in... the memes might get interesting.

(CNN)Initial tests show that lowland gorillas at Zoo Atlanta have the Covid-19 virus, the zoo said in a media update on its website.

Officials said Friday they are waiting to confirm the diagnosis after sending test samples to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.
What? Someone’s working on a traditional vaccine?
I'm thinking about doing it. I've got some old tires full of stump Brew water that's real natural. If I can get an honest to God coronavirus and throw it in there and let it roll around some I could probably start bottling it and call it natural vaccine for covid. I bet I'll get rich.
More like faith in people that do things professionally know more than some retard on idiotbook. That's why I ask here when I have a question, and not my dumbass neighbor that's scared of trees, and thinks English ivy is a indication of tree decline cause he "read it somewhere".
Pretty sure if Faucci started peddling necklaces of cloves of garlic (memories of Kramer in mortal combat with the Kevorka virus) he would rake it in too
Off topic, but speaking of my dumbass neighbor... I mentioned before he didn't like locusts cause the name is the same as the insect :rollseyes: Well, I have locust trees here, and as you all know, if you have one, you have a thousand. They popup all over; some I keep, and some I cull. One popped up not terribly far from the property line, and his opinion of locusts was a notable factor in my decision to keep it. I staked it today, and loosely tied it with some vines. I'll have to tell him it's a locust though, cause I don't think he could ID one :^D
What? Someone’s working on a traditional vaccine?

No, there's literally no need. A vaccine simply triggers your immune system to develop antibodies to fight a future infection. We have several now that work, and work quite effectively and are safe. There's no need to have a "traditional" one, that's already been accomplished, and it was accomplished in record time using technologies, an amazing feat of engineering and science. When the icus are full, they will simply keep leaving people in the halls to die, and overwhelmingly they are unvaccinated. Let's just put it this way, if a loved one required hospital care, but was unable to receive such care because the icu and er was filled with unvaccinated covid patients, i would be walking around killing them to make room, as Howard stern said "you had the fuking cure but didn't take it."

Obviously this pointless death is hard on some people, so that's why the media keeps going crazy, they have the frigged up idea that people dying for at this point in the game no reason at all is dumb. One of our hospitals is going so far as to making visual aids to help explain facts to people. This isn't "the liberal media" like the inbreds on fox news keep chirping about, this is the hospital that for now fortunately hasn't had the problems that others have. This isn't the up to date one, but it shows the point.

Let's just put it this way, if a loved one required hospital care, but was unable to receive such care because the icu and er was filled with unvaccinated covid patients, i would be walking around killing them to make room, as Howard stern said "you had the fuking cure but didn't take it."
I think it would be more than fair to keep one reserve bed. When that bed gets filled, a previous unvaxxed patient gets unplugged, and told to hit the road, and their bed becomes the backup bed. First in, first out like any proper stock rotation.
That's literally what it's going to become in places. We'll help you as much as we can, but then they are going to have to triage the non vaccinated.