It seems obvious that MANY people's immune systems are not dealing well with THIS coronavirus..the alpha variant got our attention...lots of folks said, "nah, no big deal." Now the delta variant is much much more transmissible...alpha mutated and delta has taken over. The folks that are overwhelming the hospitals, ICU's, sick and LOTS dying...their immune system was not up to the task of fighting off the sickness that the delta variant gives.
Doctors and scientists overwhelmingly encourage folks to get the vaccine to help their immune systems get ready for the fight. All of these health care folks, doctors, nurses, researchers are not part of some conspiracy to enslave us. The ones I know in the field (several MD's, a good friend that is a high-level pathology lab tech in Atlanta, nurses) are not lizard worshiping conspiracy folks...they are not even simple conspiracy-minded folks. They just see senseless suffering and death...and many of those dying these days die with regret as part of their end.