Regarding Covid

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Our immune system was meant to happen, either from the white guy in the sky, or as substantiated by scientific evidence of evolution (another very misunderstood subject among people low in scientific understanding, as people often suggest that we evolved from monkeys, which are a living species today).

Humans were never meant to leave earth and air.
Vaccines are not that complex at a level of basic understanding, with basic understanding of your own body, and basic science understanding.

Do you really not understand germs and vaccines?

Seat belts are stupid. They don't save all lives or keep every driver able to retain so control of the vehicle.

It's my freedom and right as a 'Murican to be a danger to other people.

Just stay in your house.
Just stay in your house.
I go out in public.

I wear a seat belt.

I don't expect something 60-94.1% effective in trials to stop all Covid, nor expect that a vaccine is the right color of kryptonite.

I do know that in an accident, a seat belt protects me, and keeping me behind the wheel and pedals, reasonable stationary to them, protects myself and others.

Anyone who thinks a vaccine is going to stop all covid needs some education. Our immune systems are typically great, but not invincible.
So, vaccines were just meant to happen, but not space flight? I don't think I quite caught on your train of thought.

I think the body is way more complex than people think. Sure the concepts are basic, but the details can be quite complex.
Vaccines don't kill germs. Basic fact.

Antibiotics may kill bacteria.

Vaccines don't stop anyone from getting sick. ppVaccines rime the immune system to kill germs.

Vaccines don't kill germs. Vaccines don't stop the type of mutations that are responsible for all diversity of life on earth.

Vaccines help people's immune systems kill germs, reducing the amount of germs to be spread around. Less sickness.

Less germs, less sickness.
Less germs to mutate, less mutant viruses.

Where is the difficult part to understand?
A friend of mine’s father is 80. Alzheimer’s/dementia. His mom took his dad to get the vax. Got the first shot. Immediately came down with Covid...been struggling for four weeks. He adamantly wishes she hadn’t taken him for the shot.
It seems obvious that MANY people's immune systems are not dealing well with THIS coronavirus..the alpha variant got our attention...lots of folks said, "nah, no big deal." Now the delta variant is much much more transmissible...alpha mutated and delta has taken over. The folks that are overwhelming the hospitals, ICU's, sick and LOTS dying...their immune system was not up to the task of fighting off the sickness that the delta variant gives.

Doctors and scientists overwhelmingly encourage folks to get the vaccine to help their immune systems get ready for the fight. All of these health care folks, doctors, nurses, researchers are not part of some conspiracy to enslave us. The ones I know in the field (several MD's, a good friend that is a high-level pathology lab tech in Atlanta, nurses) are not lizard worshiping conspiracy folks...they are not even simple conspiracy-minded folks. They just see senseless suffering and death...and many of those dying these days die with regret as part of their end.
What's so hard to understand?

Since we know now that the "vaccine" is not a sterilizing vaccine...we know it's not worth much.

We also know that the indiscriminate use of medications has never been a good idea. Ever.

It's like saying Tylenol is a headache vaccine and its random indiscriminate use will lessen the prevalence of headaches.

Why haven't we eradicated the cold?
Since the “vaccine” has been approved by the fda has anybody provided a list of ingredients in the “vaccine” than I may be allergic to or a list of potential side effects? Serious question.
If those lists of ingredients are correct, the manufacturers are supposed to be including them on the consent forms during these phase 3 trials that are still going on. Has anyone who's been jabbed seen the ingredient list on their form?

A chart of Covid deaths in Britain since June
Remember what they told you?

They told you the vaccines might not stop infection or transmission but they were still very effective against serious illness and death.
89% of Britons over 16 have received at least one shot. 80% are fully vaccinated.
This is the chart:

Something is very, very wrong.

Thisis all they wrote in the Jansen literature:
WHAT IS THE JANSSEN COVID-19 VACCINE? The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. The FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). For more information on EUA, see the “What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?” section at the end of this Fact Sheet. 2 WHAT SHOULD YOU MENTION TO YOUR V

Notice they do not list the ingredients... wtf???