Regarding Covid

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We were out last night and decided to run by and grab a quick bite at a fast food joint. Placed order, drove to first window, paid, pulled up to second window....and watched as the poor dimwit trying to fix our sodas wrestled with the fabulous, world-saving "touchless" drink machine, as its innards twhirled around, added ice and soda to each cup, then pulled each cup free (bare-handed) to place a lid on each (also bare-handed). At one point, he had to open the cover, pull a stack of cups free and re-insert them into the contraption. I felt so safe knowing he didn't touch the cups and hold each one to the dispenser the way it's been done for the last 50 years....Thank you, Covid! If we don't die from stupidity, the virus is sure to get us....
The weird thing about the rest of it is that it is the exact opposite of what is actually to be going on.

The big news last saturday was that the new fast type of test ( anti gene test) only caught about 50% of infected cases.

To verify that, they did a test where 117,670 persons were tested with both types of tests within 48 hours and out of the 4069 found in the PCR test, the speedy test only caught 2159.

That is 47% that tested falsely negative.

Why someone would decide to turn facts 180 degrees around, is beyond me.
I mean, altering fact a bit, maybe.
But turning them exactly upside down............weird.

When you asked, I remembered reading the article in saturday's paper, which fortunately hadn't been recycled yet, so I got it out of the paper bin and looked at it again.

Another thing BTW, the proposed Covid passport is not just for those who have been vaccinated.
If you have either been vaccinated, had Covid and been tested for antibodies or have had a negative test within 72 hours, the passport is valid.
That does of course mean that those who are just tested negative, will have to update that regularly, but that is hardly the end of the World.

But of course " Will lead to a divided society" sounds better.

You know why nobody takes you seriously here, Daniel?

Because you will post anything you find on the net that supports your way of belief. No reason to fact chech, it is on the net, so it must be true.

Then when I tell you it is wrong, just like the "armed guards" at DTU, you just shrug, say. " Oh well" and move on.
There are a lot of facts presented in that email

all you need to do is google them:

UK Prime Minister announced trials of a “Covid status certification" scheme to enable concerts and sporting matches to take place

European leaders have issued a statement calling for a Digital Green Certificate

Israel, now that restrictions have eased due to its mass vaccination roll out, restaurants are re-opening and people can show their “Green Pass

New Zealand airline will also trial a digital vaccine passport this month on flights between Auckland and Sydney

in Australia, COVID-19 vaccines are voluntary and free(14), refusal to be vaccinated, resulted in the dismissal of an Australian employee.
I couldn't find this one with a quick search
Scott, I have to agree with you here, some of the things that were implemented to 'help' avoid potential exposure to Covid have obvious flaws.
Takeaway cup lids is one.
Either they do it for you and don't sanitize before putting your lid on, or you can still select your own and everyone's been breathing on the stack...
Enter the return of 'do it yourself'.
If you’re eating at a restaurant, be it fast food or otherwise, you may as well face it. Other people have THEIR hands in/on YOUR food...
Yep...nasty people been breathing on my food all this time! And only occasionally do people get sick from contaminated food.
The power of the human germ defence system is incredible but not infallible.
Okay, some things to consider:

Not surprising the president of the mises institute would think that way. So i am gonna call bullshit on that
Kyle, strawman argument. It was posted on Lew Rockwell's site, the author is completely different. Shooting the messenger and not the actual content means you have no argument.

And what's wrong with libertarianism? True libertarians believe in 2 basic tenets:
1. Private property is sacrosanct and how the world should be organized (government/no one else has a right to what is rightfully owned by you). Government should be so minimal as to only provide the functions it's citizens grant (the way our country was founded and has since been bastardized).
2. The non-aggression principle. Do not attack anyone unless they visibly threaten/attack you first.

Even a die-hard lefty like you should have a hard time disagreeing with that.
It's not a strawman argument, it's a "I'm completely sick and tired of this shit being presented as anything other than bullshit" argument. I didn't read it, because the description confirmed my prejudice of the completely worn out, almost exclusively right wing stance used ever since the scientific method: "the science isn't settled". Trump went even further and literally said, and i quote, "we're taking the country back from the scientists and doctors." It's been used, unsuccessfully of course, on global warming, cigarettes, countless chemicals including teflon and roundup, and now covid. I would think in time that people would wonder why science always seems to be against their worldview, but then again not really. The idea serves it purpose tho, which is to slow down actions taken in the name of science for the betterment of society, but might have negative consequences as well, especially financially. It's frankly an anchor on the human race, morally corrupt thinking designed to maximize profits over people.

Which leads us to lIbertarianism, or simply Gordon Gecko thinking aka greed is good. I'm universally against almost everything the philosophy stands for. Laissez faire capitalism and minimal government didn't work in the 1700s, and it definitely has no place in modern society, which is why the Austrian economic model is universally panned by real economists. It's simply a right wing version of utopia, nothing getting in the way of profits, no matter what. That's as unrealistic as the tooth fairy as a savings plan. The world is not even close to infinite, and any model of anything that makes that assumption is completely worthless. Even ayn rand with her toddler philosophy of me over everyone had enough sense to hate lIbertarianism, which she saw as anarchy. You know it's bad when even that bitch didn't like it lol.

And for the record, of course the science isn't settled, it never can be. We still don't fully understand gravity, but we are pretty damn sure of what we think it is. I'm personally catholic, but even i hold science above almost everything. If you are super religious, i can understand if you have certain beliefs that go against science. I don't agree with it, but at least that's understandable. Lacking that tho, constantly being on the wrong side of it for solely political reasons is unforgivable. Which was the whole point of the article right? The science "isn't 100 percent" so i can make claims that aren't backed by science because it's not perfect. How convenient, and by no means did the libertarian author come up with this idea because the science based policies are hurting business, nope, that's most certainly not the reason. So much for the strawman defense.
I generally consider myself libertarian, but I do my own thinking. The official libertarian policy is fairly open borders, and I don't go for that. There's a lot of ifs, ands, or buts, but generally libertarian. If I had my way, I'd rather see anarcho libertarianism. You do what you want until it affects me, and at that point I'll come collect your head and put it on a pike in my front yard. What affects me, is anything I'm interested in, from clean water to koalas. I'm not sure I've ever even seen a koala, but frig with them, and I'll come for your head to add to my wall. Bet you start seeing a more concientious world...
If you think that the Demoncrats don’t want this situation to go on forever you’re living in a fantasy world! This gives them money and control over the people which is exactly what they want. It appears that every decision made is designed to control your life while putting money in their pockets. Understanding this concept is key to bringing this country together
So Kyle, you've made some pretty large assumptions without reading the actual article and it's links. And your pontificating seems to be your way of blowing off steam. You may not agree, but what you seem to be missing is by going overboard in your angst to a philosophy that you only have minimal understanding of (albeit, more than most), your arguments are hollow. Have a good one.