Silky saw bites seem to be a matter more of work position and handling that things going unexpectedly wrong...
The discussion of 'cut proof' gloves could be in the same category as chainsaw pants/chaps. We know they won't completely stop every kind of chainsaw boo-boo, but on a spectrum of protection it can go from walking away to only needing stitches, when the alternative might have been career threatening if not life threatening. Preaching to the choir here I'm sure.
The one time we had a hanger drop out of the tree, it hit my hubby on the head, he was wearing his helmet...I reckon it could have killed him if he wasn't. Ok, we both lost track of it as it was stuck up in among other leafy stuff, so we have to take some responsibility for the incident...but still, every now and then, our careful work practices can fail, and the habit of wearing PPE is the next layer that keeps you from being permanently maimed or death.