Went out for firewood, and it was like jul came around for one more shot! I'm posting here cause I think it all qualifies as "gear". The salmiakki from
@stig is for getting your head right to get into a tree with a running saw :^D
Stig sent me the salmiakki after the first shipment went AWOL. I was gonna wait to try it cause I just put in licorice snus, but said "screw it", and gave it a go. Not something I'd want to drink a lot of at one time, but it's quite good. Liquid candy, both literally, and figuratively. Sweet and viscous, with lots of salmiak flavor. Very nice.
@CurSedVoyce sent me some rope to go with my micropulley MA system. It's nicer than the 3strand I setup. It'll work more smoothly in the pulleys, with less loss due to friction. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
Finally, 8 cheapie 12kn biners from amazon. I got those for free shipping, but also for light rigging or speedlining where you want something kind of strong, but it doesn't have to hold the world.
Thanks a lot Stephen and Stig! You guys, and the Treehouse generally are f'n awesome!