O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

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Now Frankie will spend the next 3 days telling you, it is a piece of shit.

Personally, I think he only does that because I've said I think it is the best saw ever made, and he isn't smart enough to get at me in any other way.

So enjoy.

I let the new apprentice use mine, freshly filed with a 4,8 mm file, so super agressive chain, to cut up a top yesterday.
He almost got religious about the experience :lol:
Did I miss out on something?
I have had Frankie on ignore for a while now, life is better that way.
Hadn't heard from him in awhile, and was wondering how his father was doing. Hovering over his avatar gave *no* interesting information. I took that as a clue, and figured he got the banhammer.
Guess it’s just a matter of time til I’m banned as well. It’s been a good run...

Only ever had issues with two members....it’s a a shame the Treehouse has come to this.
Scott, I think you are mistaken in this. You are never rudely dismissive of others...well, make that seldom :D. On the other hand, Frankie was seldom not so. It makes a difference.

Another difference is, Frankie never was much of a treeman, and never thought much of anyone else's skills compared with his own. You have never acted that way. And you most certainly are a skilled treeman. That also makes a big difference.

You have always been one of us, and Frankie never managed that.
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Thanks, Carl. We are better off without, imo.

What was the straw that broke the camels' back, if I may ask?

I don’t recall the specifics, he was annoying and out of turn... he and Kyle got into it. I deleted both sides and banned Frankie.

Guess it’s just a matter of time til I’m banned as well. It’s been a good run...

Only ever had issues with two members....it’s a a shame the Treehouse has come to this.

You being dramatic much?
Guess it’s just a matter of time til I’m banned as well. It’s been a good run...

Only ever had issues with two members....it’s a a shame the Treehouse has come to this.

You know, Scott. For a big, tough, gun-toting, redblooded Alabaman ( Or is that Alabamian?), you sure whine a lot.

You are a Treehouser, Frankie was not, would never be and had no intention of becoming one.
He was only here to polish his ego on the wool of all us sheep.

We all here have our differences, but we usually manage to talk to each other in a way that wouldn't result in a broken nose, were we face to face ( Like when Daniel Murphy yuks it up over my leukemia :lol:)
Frankie would have been beaten bloody had this been an actual bar and not the net.

If you fell out of a tree and needed help, do you really think the fact that you and I and Kevin each stand miles from each other politically would keep either him or me from stepping up, the way The 'House has done many times before ( Skwerl, Jay and Fiona comes to mind).

If Frankie caught on fire, I doubt many here would even piss on him to put it out.

I ran this post through my mind several times today before writing it, to make sure it wasn't insulting.
Hope it turned out that way.

If not, I'll just pull the " English is not my native language" card.
Thanks, Deva.
Stig, for your information, I am not big, am not tough, do occasionally entertain the thought of buying a gun, do live in Alabama...but I don’t whine...😁