Thanks for the link.
So now a top handle Husqvarna T540XP showed up... 37.7cc of raging eagerness, ready to cut some wood. 16" bar with just a bit more power than an unmodified 200T -- going to put it through some paces tomorrow on some trimming jobs. Still would like the Echo, too though...Now to mull over the options for another aloft saw: used 200T, brand new 201 TC M, or Echo 2511T. Might go with the middle option for now, as a medium climbing saw under warranty would probably scratch the sweet spot (for reliability!).
I would take an Asplundh orange bandit in a heartbeat. But the truck? Maybe it's just the UV fading and clear coat dulling that really does it in for me. It's crying out for a new coat of white!Asplundh orange RULES!!!![]()