O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul B
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Right at home for me. 8)

I do have several places within a mile or two that take hardwood I don't chip for firewood.
Brush, wood, chips we have many options scattered around the valley. Used to pay to dump, then got paid to dump chips from bio mass, now it's free. Local contractor at one end of the valley takes ANY wood no matter how big (bio mass requires wood cut into certain sizes) and a non profit at the other end of the valley takes ANY wood as well
Wow, hard to believe they could even break even on something like that, but more power to them
As long as one small detail exists where you work, free brush dumping.

I disagree. A friend in Florida pays $2k or more a month in dump fees and he runs 2 grapples, no chippers and he's growing every year. A grapple truck is just so efficient, it blows chippers out of the water. A grapple is a chipper, chip truck, log truck and mini crane all in one. One truck does it all.
Not mine...but work bought one of these. Holy smokes is this better than endless redirecting winchlines.
Awesome chipper Bodean.
I'm curious (a way of saying I'm about to ask something stupid!) you're chipping up more than a foot diameter hardwood there, in straight stems, wouldn't the more efficient way of getting it off site be just load it on the truck? It's got to be worth something as firewood? And wood takes up less space than chip.
Ha Mick, that log disappeared in minutes. We use chips throughout the park for mulching and dressing landscapes. The bigger logs are 18' long and we use the loader abd log truck for those and bring to our log dump, which is huge. Later a contractor comes and bids on wood.....off to pulp or powerplants or we try to mill what we can before it goes away. Alot of it can be rotten too. It's a soft wood monterey cypress. Not many fireplaces going in SF due to climate and restrictions..... My name is Deva.
Pronounce it as you will. :)