O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul B
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Nah, it's one made for autographs. He doesn't write on very many. Most of them will just be his first initial and then a scribbled last name.

I feel special. :)
Nothing too exciting today. A couple sets of rings came. They fit my FS 250s and the 200T.
Silly part is they got here faster than my local dealer got them last order. Beat Baileys that said they were back ordered and may be in this last Monday to ship to me.
These came from a guy in Greece :lol:
Sad state of affairs I tell ya... :lol:


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Well, I started playing with the new hand me down gear tonight that a HO gave me yesterday.
I started with the Husky 225RJ in really good shape and had good compression. He had drained the fuel so I was pleased with that fact. Fuel lines were a tad stiff, so they will need replacing. Air filter and the unit were pretty clean. Got some new fuel in her and coaxed the thing to start wiht a drop of gas down the carb.. Ran rough for a minute and then smoothed out to a purr. Cut some weeds with it for a test run :D IMG_0516.jpg IMG_0517.jpg

The John Deer saw on the other hand still had old fuel in it and the fuel filter fell out with melting rubber attached to it. Not a good sign. I was hoping to play further with it tonight but I think I will just start stripping it down and put new lines and a carb kit in it once I know it starts. Compression feels good. The weather is starting to coax me indoors now so I am done messing with shat today :lol:
Looked it up on the net. I was a tad disappointed as I found out it was a rebadged echo and not a McCullough :( Oh well, still a free saw good for bucking wood if it works anyway. Wyatt is getting old enough to start with saws, so I will probably fix this one and the other up for him to learn on.


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Well, my curiosity got the best of me. I went out, Brian, and put a drop of fuel down the carb and she fired right up :D So a little work and she will be good as new. It is in pretty good shape. The other one he gave me I had one once before and gave it to one of my groundies when he moved away as a starting out present. An Echo 280E top handle. Soooooooo... I will have some fun little projects when I get to them. :)
I dropped 2 picea omorika with a lot of cones and fresh shoots into a street today. I've been dissatified with my handheld blower for a while and clearing this mess off a rain wet road took too long.
So on the way home I picked up a new backpack blower.
It has the 4 stroke engine and runs real quiet.

Apparently it also has an interesting smell:)

Nice Stig. I find my Stihl handheld blower (SH65) works pretty well but my backpack (Murayama) is obviously stronger. Our local bylaws insist on low noise blowers here, do you have the same issues?
No noise laws here, that I'm aware of.

Remember, we're vikings.
The noise of a blower would fade next to the war cries of a bunch of Danes on an Amanita muscaria trip:lol:
Nice blower Stig. I have yet to go get a BP blower. Sw dust abd wood chips are rarely an issue here. I have an electric that had no power to pull off of to clean up the yard and driveway yesterday. DOH! Finally getting jobs that can justify buying one.
Having seen the area where you work, I can follow that, Stephen.
No reason to blow dust off a dirt road or a pasture.

I'd trade you Roskilde for Mariposa in a split second:)
Be nice if you could get a good piece of land up here you could play in and sculpt to your liking. You would like this one 120 acres I work on year to year. You can explore all over it. Great bird watching too.
Well, everytime I go to Cali, I buy a state lottery ticket.
If I ever get lucky..............................................................................!
I was at the local NAPA picking up hydraulic fluid and on my way out I spotted a nice looking impact wrench on the clearance table. It's rated at 450 foot pounds of torque and had been used for a day and returned. I got it for $90. :dance:
Oh my f..... whatever Deity.
When I bough my first chipper, I needed an impact wrench somewhat bigger than the one I had.
I just told them to send one along with the chipper.


Of couse I'd just put down 28 grand for the chipper, so I was kind of desentisized.
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I have a 550flb impact and wish it was harder hitting. It should be good for most things that you will do and besides you will probably torque everything after.