O.C.G.D. Thread, part two

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Brendon, it might be running too hot, causing it to diesel after the ignition is shut off. Perhaps bump up to premium fuel or step down one range cooler on the spark plug.
I've got a 3 pines with full raking, figure I might as well go ahead and replace the used up blower. I've also spoken for a Revolution wheel, although the plan is I won't get it till November. Should know how much it's costing this coming week. Between the blower, the wheel (~$1700), the bed, and my debt, I expect I'm mainly spent out until next year on non maintenance/sustaining items. I am fortunate to currently have work and accounts recievable. If the year continues on like this, that'd be very nice :)

B, the mini should be a fairly rare occasion. I still idle down and let mine cool off before shutting it down. If I cut it off at idle I stall the hydros which keeps the engine from spinning down which sucks the fuel down and causes the problems. Don't think that's possible on yours with the safety stuff still plumbed in. I'll keep an ear out for the blower gettin frisky.
I was going to be running the blower and grinder for a while as well so I didn't want to use bullets, like I'd usually do.

He pulled that one the other day whilst I was cutting on the big limb that was on the farmhouse. I told him to be careful and not bump his head on anything. :lol:
Highly anticipated choppers for the grinda. They are reds (deep dish, red paint on the end of the bolt) but the picture's colour was way blue so in fixing that, the paint "disappeared."

(Tongue in cheek)
Willie, the wife let you put that in the house?

looks like there should be a Christmas tree over it?

Spanking new, mine didn't come with a chip skirt :whine:
She was at work, when she came home and couldn't find a spec of dirt or grease on it, she knew I won:D
I got a nice little gift in the mail from sherrill today.

I bought 2 whoopie slings (medium and large), a Large stainless porty, and a 4" pully.

Should be all i need for rigging for a while, other than some rope.
My oldest pair of caulk boots were getting too chewed up to be much good in a wet climate, so they made the trip back to Wesco in Oregon to be rebuilt.
They just came back today.
They did one fine job on them IMO. That bodes well for the logging season, which started yesterday.
I'm taking a bit of vacation to continue my neverending " fix up the house" project, so Richard is falling beech trees for the both of us.

Really neat to be able to send a pair of boots all the way to Oregon for a rebuilt, only wish I could have gone with them, myself. P9180002.JPG
Nice, I always liked the replaceable caulks. It's interesting to me that some actually like the fixed style
I don't get that either. I wear out a set during logging season, it's nice to be able to just change them.
Now I get it. Not much saved by rebuilding them instead of buying a new pair.
I my case, they are custom made, so they run to over $ 400. That makes rebuilding a much better deal.
Nice, I always liked the replaceable caulks. It's interesting to me that some actually like the fixed style

I never knew such a beast existed. Depending on the ground I could wear through my caulks pretty damn fast, which is suprising as I'm like a lightning bolt in the bush. My feet barely touch the ground.:D

Stig, where's the tricony's?8)
Yeah. My Revolution wheel is in the process of being made for a November pickup in Pittsburg.

Carl, if ya don't mind maybe let me know the best place to order from(cause I know you know). If I can get them shipped for reasonable to the great white north it might be better then through my local dufus supplier.
Stig, where's the tricony's?8)

Since there's only two loggers in the whole country of Denmark, who use caulks ( Richard and myself!) it is not something we know a lot about.
When I visited Wesco in Oregon to have my feet measured, they recommended I stay away from triconies, because they could break off the boots easily and I'm ½ the world away from a place where I can get them repaired.