Have met 2 SEALS in my life,1 is married to my wifes good friend,Hell of a guy but very quiet and reserved,the other was on the Island of Catalina working with a pipeline crew supplying salt water for the aquariums and other facets of USC's off campus classroom on the island.
One day I saw him go under in 55 degree water to bolt together a flange after 2 others in wet suits failed due to temps.
Could'nt believe how long he was under and how he could take it,big guy and also very quiet and reserved but if you needed a hand he was always right there and capable.
Neither talked of their service and I did'nt ask as much as I wanted to,seems conversing about it would be bragging

Facinating stuff to the rest of us though).SEALS ROCK
With regard to the marksmanship,I can shoot that good from moving objects at moving targets,I understand the range to be 25 yards which is 0 in my book,I've shot flying ducks and pheasants in the head with a rifle at twice that range but to do it for real at a human target would be beyond shooting abilty and rapidly becomes something else.I'm a good shooter,Those guys are warriors.
I held the position of Sniper while I was with the 571st MP co. for 2 years back in the 80's but was never called upon for that skill.
I did however shoot my sister from the hip,in the leg on the back of a motorcycle once at 100 yards,she became a lawyer,I should'a aimed higher:roll:
I also shot my best friend with a shotgun,twice,He shot me first so I figure we're even.