If you haven't already made your ultra with the triple, I have an idea that should work. So you make the ultra with nothing attached to it. And then you make your triple, like the x ring in the link below, except you make the loop coming off the triple very small. Only big enough to get a soft shackle through it and the soft shackle is all you need to connect the two. Actually you could use a regular shackle too, just something to connect the two. So all you have to do is take the shackle out of the ultra and triple and then you will be able to move the ultra and triple and then put them back together in less than a minute.
One crazy thing I just found out is that boaters use xrings they are called low friction rings in that world and you can find them in all types of sizes. Try googling low friction ring
One crazy thing I just found out is that boaters use xrings they are called low friction rings in that world and you can find them in all types of sizes. Try googling low friction ring

Antal 70mm Dyneema Loop/10mm LF Ring
Product Description Antal 70mm Dyneema Loop/10mm LF Ring The Antal low friction rings are now available also with a Dyneema loop for a fast and easy connection.SpecificationsL Line Length - 2.75in (70mm)D Diameter - .39in (10mm)SWL - 881lbs (400kg)