I don't know. I use the dregs of scented candles on my lesser used knives, and nothing on my daily knives. I've worn daily knives in tthe rain, forgot and left them sheathed, and had a decent coat of rust. Steelwool it off, and it's fine. Not pretty, but still a good working edge and functional. Paradoxically, rust also protects against rust. They're ~$16 knives. I'm not gonna get too precious over them :^D I wouldn't use scented wax on a food prep knife. I'd use either plain parafin, or I'm sure someone makes a specialty product for carbon knives.
An alternate plan I'm a little skeptical of is doing a hot vinegar soak. I did it on my first Mora, but not on the second. For a working knife, I don't think it matters, but perhaps it's better for a knife that isn't used daily? The idea is you preoxidize the steel with vinegar, and it helps protect against rust. It gives the knife an attractive subdued finish, and by masking with wax and doing several dips, you can pattern the blade, camo, or whatever. I didn't do that, but it's a good look.