Al Smith
Mac Daddy
I lost my "Old Timer" about a year ago and couldn't find a US made carbon steel replacement .I did however find a US carbon steel Case XX stockmen style .It's a tool and a damned sharp one .
Al, I've owned them from a boy but the price on Case knives nowadays is criminal. Whatever the market will bear I guess. I was given a yellow handled one as a retirement gift when I left the power company and it's a fine one but I almost hate to use it. Skinned a pile of critters with Old Timer knives too. The 194ot was my favorite, a small single lock blade trapper. I never was impressed with their "sharp finger" knives even though I still own a couple, they just don't seem to hold an edge.I lost my "Old Timer" about a year ago and couldn't find a US made carbon steel replacement .I did however find a US carbon steel Case XX stockmen style .It's a tool and a damned sharp one .
Good pic, Ray. I asked the knife shop owner about the nub/button on the sheath, he wasn't sure what it is for either, thought it might be to attach another, smaller sheath with different tool in it.
The mystery is solved, thank you!Some work trousers here have a small narrow Knife pocket on the side of them.It has a button hole on it.You push the knife sheath into it,the button on the sheath fits through the hole so when you draw the knife,the sheath stays in place.
!!!!I want to make one of these -
Yes indeed, the One Handed Trekker is awesome imo. The awl is superb for cleaning out allen bolt-heads for stump tooth changing and also for humanoid dental work, the saw is perfect for cutting a few stray small roots leftover on a stump grinding job and for cutting that stray sucker that escaped the chain saw as you are approaching the front door for a check, the knife is good for all knife things, the screw driver great for prying, the tooth pick is great for it's stated purposeOne of the better knives I have, Cory posted as his everyday carry. Swiss officers knife. That thing has been used a fair bit and is about 20 years old. I dont think I have sharpened it yet.