In The News...

From a psychological perspective, stupidity is often considered an outcome of cognitive biases or errors in judgement. Many prominent psychologists attribute irrational beliefs and foolish actions to our cognitive limitations, not a lack of information.
From a psychological perspective, stupidity is often considered an outcome of cognitive biases or errors in judgement. Many prominent psychologists attribute irrational beliefs and foolish actions to our cognitive limitations, not a lack of information.

This is 100 percent correct, and is exactly what I've said magas problem is. Well one of them at least. Aka the entire point of the meme.
Legal here too. But eventually the taxes cause illegal grows again. Also, a lot of our grows are shipped out to more profitable areas that also includes Mexico. You have to look at even drugs as a trade thing. America likes Heroin, Meth, Fentanyl etc. Other places trade for Weed, human trafficking, guns.... Its business as usual. Now of course that imports types you are going to have issues with eventually.
Newson said in a statement. “It’s time for everyone to do their part.”

Translation: “It’s time to raise your taxes to pay for our failures.

How about fuk you ya commie/democrat bastard.
Only because Texas is 3rd world thanks to their insanity down there. Trickle down is dead because it's about the dumbest idea ever, you'll be late to the party but you'll figure it out soon enough.