In The News...

And as pointed out, both parties after Regan kept pushing dereg further. Even Clinton with the dereg of wall street is given the blame for the 08 crash.
Deregualtion is necessary as government gets top heavy and spends money irresponsibly.
The painful truth, deregulation, tax cuts and dowsizing are inevitable when it comes to the debt we are in or a complete reset of government and finacial instutions. There is nothing to big to fail. Eventually.
CA is a good example. The government here keeps taking in more and on more. Government is a very expensive an inefficient.
One example of regulatory issues reflects in our housing problem. Houses are more expensive to build due to the regulations put in place since I built.
So median price, I seem to remember, is about 800k now.
More windows, stamped pads, engineered septics, fire sprinklers, solar, solar batteries, charge stations in garages, morelights, more outlets.... there is a list. Seemingly good ideas. But out of reach for the normal joe.
Homelessness is at an all time high.
Read a piece on a land lord living in his car. House was forclosed on because since his renters did not have to pay rent, and he can't evict, he cant pay the mortgage. I think he owned two rental properties.
So mini homes... ya know you can about buy a tough shed and make it livable for quite cheap. Not our government.
So pretty expensive per unit.
As far as Trickle Down Theory, it is a politically coined phrase. Mud to throw about.
After tax cuts during Regan and even Trump, tax revenues went up.
Trump era tax cuts were across the board. Not just the wealthy.
Everyone has to have some incentive to drive an economy. The little guy just starting a business, to a larger corporation that employs people. Industry has to be given incentive to start up. Thus making things added to our GDP and jobs.
I agree that both the top wealthy and our politicians, with our politicians help, is stripping the wealth of the nation. You can see that just in how our wages have not kept up with cost of living and inflation for more than a few decades. Hardly partisan though
Oh, I forgot to add, about our insurance crisis.......
Because housing went through the roof, insurance companies are denying insurance. Or making as much or more than the mortgage. Like the CA Fair Plan.
They cant afford to replace the houses should they burn etc.