In The News...

I'm pretty sure I was put on (another) watch list for not standing for "God bless America" at an MLB game recently... I got some really dity looks.
Why wouldn't you stand? I'd have shot you a dirty look too. For any and all of its problems, you should be grateful for having been born in a developed nation. Why alienate yourself from your countrymen?
I've never been a team player like that either. Like being a Bama fan . Face paint and team colors and all that. I'm with Jim on this one if you want to chant that's fine. If that's not your thing it's not your thing.
Personally, I think that Colin is a bit confused. I would like to know what his bitch is. What is his platform?

Some think that he is trying to get shit canned from SF, if thats the case I say dont let the door hit you!

Maybe he has swallowed the BLM pill, and that would be too bad.

While I respect his ability to sit down, I think that if he really wants to make a difference sitting on the sidelines pouting is not the way to go about it.

He might be in a real position to make a difference. Hell, he is a celebrity, has money, has the ability to get an audience.

Probably he is a confused young man, fighting against the wrong enemy.

Anyway, there should be some dissent these days.