You could've answered some of the questions I put to you, instead of just taking exception to what I was saying.
Sure, I get that, luck of the draw. Even though I believe in no God or religion I feel blessed everyday, to have had the luck to be born where I am. I guess for me I see more of a detachment of it from past political or otherwise injustices as to a little bit of hope that as a people under our nation we might actually cling to a faint glimmer of the honour and glory in a national anthem.
I mean I believe I have this one go around, and that's it. I dream of a strong nation for my daughter, as futile as that may be. But I guess to me honouring and loving my country through singing the national anthem or showing pride in my nationality is a 'easy' way of doing that.
Showing thanks, and hoping for a brighter future.