In The News...

CHICAGO — Nearly 100 people have been shot in Chicago in less than a week — that’s between last Friday afternoon to early Thursday.

By the Chicago Tribune’s count, more than 2,500 people have become shooting victims this year. That’s up more than 800 from this time last year.

At least nine people were killed on Monday alone, making it the deadliest day in Chicago in 13 years. Among the wounded that day was a 10-year-old boy shot while playing on his front porch.

Additionally, last month was Chicago’s deadliest July in a decade with over 65 people killed.

The last time Chicago’s homicide count was that high in July was 2006. It brings the number of homicides in the city to nearly 400.

I think I'll have a coke...
That really sucks for law abiding people. It's like the wild west where the undertaker gets rich. They have that big old lake out there, why can't people go swimming instead of shooting each other?

Think I'll have my orange juice...
Forget the divorce shit, Johnny seems pretty cool usually, but check out the healthy glass of wine that he pours for himself in the morning. :lol:

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I think if I was married to Amber Heard, I'd want to be nice to her so she would be nice to me. She is physically quite beautiful, I think.
Maybe, but Depp has some hundreds of millions and it can probably be assumed that he is a well connected guy. He might not be the safest person to do things underhanded against. Make things a little bothersome for him and then settle, I think is likely. Probably she's in the lawyer's clutches now.
I rarely take the position of not believing a lady who says she's abused. I am even on the Board of Directors of the local Women's Crisis Support Team in town. I see a lot of terrible shit. Sometimes they're lying though. I think this one is. The only thing as bad as being abused is being falsely accused of abusing.
I think the word for devil essentially means accuser.
Doesn't mean there isn't a place for accusing but it means it's gnarl evil if it's done in an unjust sneaky conniving way.

The ongoing collapse in oil prices that began two years ago is setting the stage for a catastrophic situation in the Middle East if it continues. That catastrophe could come in three stages of war: civil war within the boundaries of each sovereign; war between sovereign states; and most broadly, for the intra-Islamic fight between the Sunnis and Shias to devolve into a war of finality between them, with one side vanquishing, conquering and perhaps even attempting to extinguish the other.

Although the process I laid out has largely occurred over the past two years, one part of that process has glaringly not occurred, and has enormous implications for what happens from this point forward.

That issue is that U.S. alternative oil producers have not been driven out of business to the extent I envisioned was probable; not even close.

As I discussed in the column, "The Biggest Current Threat to the Markets" last November, my expectation was that as the Saudis held oil prices down, the U.S. alternative producers would have to severely reduce production, loan defaults would spike, bankruptcies requiring the transfer of assets would follow, and the time it would take for all of this action to play out legally would preclude the ability of the U.S. alternative E&P industry from raising capital to restart production, even as the Saudis allowed oil prices to begin increasing again.

The one thing that appears certain, however, is the Middle East is on a path toward social upheaval that will make the Arab Spring pale in comparison, if oil prices don't at least start rising toward where they were before the collapse began two years ago.

I have zero (0) fuks to give. Can't wait to see them all living in mud huts again.
I thought oil prices had started to go up, or at least an expectation of it. The US auto industry has sold enough big engine cars, they should give the ok.
North American oil producers have been kicking butt learning how to produce more cost effectively. I've watched with the same wondering as the author as to whether the shale producers, etc. could stay in the race. All the predictions seemed to point to them failing in the long run. I watched a documentary a couple weeks ago about how surprised and happy the N. Amer. oil guys are about how they have managed to cut production costs beyond all expectations.
Only trouble with high ground is the price, but you won't catch me living in a flood zone.


My mother and I spent 3 days trapped on a train when I was a little kid during the Maitland floods, just missed getting out in time. Couldn't understand people going back and living there then and still can't, my uncle and family did a few times.

Dungog is a bit higher than Miatland about 200' compared to 10' but it copped it last year. When they get big rain in Queensland it heads south.

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