In The News...

Stig, if I was the president I'd probably do the same thing he's doing. What does he care or worry about? Most likely has a salary for life and armed bodyguards 24/7. Why should he think twice of the peasants? They're just the ones that voted him in for the free ride.
As for what I might do personally, Stingray forbids me the freedom to express myself in such a manner.
Super dead tree...K Mart rope....interesting cuts for sure. Several levels of culpability here...too bad the owner waited so long to take it down...and chose a "truck load of men" to do the work.

Wonder if it had already been quoted by a real tree company and the owner was looking for a deal.
Eating at McDonald's will kill you sooner or later.
In this case it happened sooner.
Live with what, Bob?

Accoirding to German police it was a case of "Amoklauf", but I guess you know better, as always!
Jim, are you really trying to turn into another Bob?

Quit the stupid one liners and give me some argument for "insert whatever God you fancy"'s sake!

Not much fun debating stuff with you otherwise.
Bob, for " Insert God of your own choice"'s sake!
"Gewalt am Arbeitplatz" in a Mc Donald's is tossing burgers at each other, not using a gun.

Good one, though:lol:
I just get a kick outta this whole thing.

We have a disaster over here and you Europeans scold us about all we are doing wrong.

We see the same shit going on over there and we are told not to get involved. We just dont understand.

Oh and btw, Bob aint such a bad guy.
Yer not too bad either, Jim...or Bob...or the Stig.
Those here with views I disagree with just can't help themselves. :brows:
Guy with a machete whacked a woman in Reutlingen, Germany an hour or so ago, and injured 2 other people.
Apparently there must still be jungles and rainforests in Germany. Go figure.