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I don't get your meaning, Jim. Who should be where?
You're right, I deleted it...You've seen Jim haven't you? He is the bear.
The hurtling of the insults does nothing for the discussion imo.
Jim converses, regularly and interestingly imo.
Bob is elusive, always has been. But sparks some interesting dialogue at times. Also never gets all butthurt and huffy.
I pop in now and then and shoot from the hip. I'm hard to pin down because sometimes I argue all three sides to an issue.
Mick, this is Jim here. Not the Esteemed Mr. Cogburn.......
If the French left in the late 40's, why is there a dog in the hunt? I am still genuinely curious.
Thanks for the answer Mick.
Do you think it was worth it? France getting involved in the "civil" war?
Personally, I think the French and the US supported the wrong side.
Over time, I have developed the idea that we went into Syria to push the Russians out of the only strong hold they had in the ME. Similar to the mess in Ukraine.