In The News...

I've read it gives sweeping powers to police to search without a warrant and also to place citizens unde house arrest. No questions asked.

As for the day to day disruptions to people I read it means heightened security for transit and all public gatherings, scanners/search of bags. Also that in busy areas, like big city shopping spots, bags are routinely checked at the entrance to shops or busy streets. Also delays for travelling by car if crossing the border.

Also I read most French support these added security measures.

Was originally just pointing out that while this 'state of emergency' is in effect and the police having much broadened powers France continues to be victimized. I was drawing the correlation between infringing on liberties not providing any actual added security.

Not trying to say that I think Mick has machine guns pointed at him and some army colonel commandeering his estate.
If the cops showed up to search my place without a warrant, found nothing but placed me under house arrest too just to be safe. I'd be pissed.

I'm sure if it's going on but doesn't really effect you because of where you live or the way you look ensures you won't be victimized, then it's a lot easier to think 'heh no big deal, they're just doing what they have to'.
I get all my news from you Bob!!

Seriously though, is there any hard PROOF of a connection?
I wondered at your question what kind of connection you're looking for? When you see vids of people speaking out saying to gun down cops and they're doing so at 'peaceful' blm gatherings where anyone is allowed to speak. Like what is connected to you? Do they give out membership cards? People are easily influenced and to me you shouldn't be allowed to incite violence.
Well... I guess a good question is, define blm. Second, are there leaders? If so, do they claim responsibility? Third, do the attackers claim affiliation to blm? You know, those kind of things...
Exactly. To me the whole thing is a stupid slogan/saying or whatever. All lives matter.

But those that would use this 'movement' to further their views of violence towards police should be denounced by whatever type of leadership if there in fact is any of the blm movement. Does any black person really think that shooting up some honky cops is going to help the situation at all? It's the exact thing that will further aggravate and escalate the situation.
I've been told that the leadership of blm DOES denounce these acts, for what it's worth.

But I agree, the cycle of violence needs to stop if we want to get anywhere.
Squish, for those that caught the speech 0bama gave at the memorial in Dallas everything would be clear to them.

ETA: werds and such
I think this is all getting out of hand. Those who use violence to make a point will eventually fall prey to violence in the end.
Mick, if you have time, would you explain the "dog in the hunt" to me? What is France protecting? What does France have to gain?

Oh, and I dont think it really matters about the arms. France did not conjure them from thin air, someone got paid. Big business and what not.

The goal is to eventually get both sides to buy your arms.
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Testify, Bob!
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I'm all for gun rights, but open carrying an AR15 is stupid. If I saw someone carrying a long gun in public, I'd immediately expect the worst. In MA, you couldn't legally carry one that wasn't in a case anyway.
"Speaking at the debate in the National Assembly, he said France would have to learn to live with the threat."

What a candy ass.