In The News...

Seems like the likely intention of this criminal act was to exact revenge, not to provoke terror.

Such an abused term and easy scapegoat "terrorism"

People wonder... "What happened?"

Talking box says..."it was terrorists "

People in a fervor... "Let's kill em all!!!"

And round and round we go!

This is in reference to the cop shootings? Really revenge? Maybe the radicalized Muslims aren't terrorists either, they're just seeking revenge on the infidels. To shoot and kill a stranger who you've presumably never met, for the actions of another stranger you presumably never met isn't revenge imo.
Why not? Revenge on an institution. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of terrorists from the middle East are out for revenge, maybe for the loss of a loved one. Violence begets violence.
Terrorists to me. I don't think they're out to exact revenge, they're pissed about the way things are and so are trying to change things by violence and fear mongering. In order for free expression to work, the limit of that expression stops at violence towards others. These BLM people that are calling for violence towards cops or others in my mind are radicalizing protestors, no different than terrorist organizations recruiting and radicalizing religious freaks.
Anybody with a bit of knowledge of the history of the Middle East, will see that the Arabs have plenty of reason to wish for revenge.
Not on the "infidels" as such but mainly on France and the British Empire.
Don't take this to mean I condone the Attack in Nice, but the way France has been behaving in their former colonies the Northern part of Africa, who can really be surprised at this?

Butch posted a good link to understand what the arab world is about the other day.
I'd like to suggest a book:

It is a hard read, takes a lot of concentration to get through it, but it leaves you with a keen understanding of how things ended up the way they are today.

Also, it shows why the Turks, especially Erdogan, freak out every time someone mention the ( Since Erdogan will kill me if I use the word " Genocide") eradication of the Armenians.
The way that was brought about almost makes Herr. Schickelgrüber look like a pussycat in the way he treated the jews.................almost!
I like it guys, but y'all are crazy, not everyone is a terrorist!

Good post, Stig.
I mean however you choose to label it. It's not right, it infringes on the safety and rights of others. It shouldn't be tolerated. I'd be rounding those fools up and brainwashing them if I was in charge. Or possibly infringing on their rights and safety by using them as guinea pigs in human test trials of some sort. :D

Not really, I think, but still.....
I could add that the present situation with BLM in the US really should be no surprise to anybody with an understanding of American history.

That has come up again and again, Black Panthers, Riots every decade, but has it changed anything?

Nope, our resident back hollow dweller still refers to balcks as "rats".

Just like with France and Britain, the seeds you sowed back in the happy colonial times have sprouted something that'll continue to haunt you for a long time.
As an interesting note on France. I heard that they have possibly the most permissive laws of any developed nation for their police and intelligence. They really infringe on their people's basic rights in the name of law enforcement. Lots of residence searches with no warrants, plenty of access to personal info. Still hasn't helped them in the 'war against terror' and preventing attacks.

They've been living under martial law quite a bit. Doesn't appear to be helping out much.
Labelling everything or person we don't like a terrorist seems very unproductive. It stops any conversation as to why these things are happening.

"They're terrorists and they hate freedom!" Come on guys, it's getting pretty Orwellian around here...
Martial law is a bit steep.

As I understand, (by reading a few articles on the net you understand)

In comparison to British intelligence, who after the 7/7 attacks, streamlined and ensured information sharing across all agencies, the French are still protective of info within their own departments.

This is what I've read, I'm not spouting it as fact, it does sound very like the system here though.

Unlike the UK the people of the Maghreb (north west Africa) is the predominant Muslim minority. I don't hear much good about them from the locals.

Don't forget I'm an immigrant minority here myself.
How could it?

Terror has turned way more basic than what the intelligence networks are used to.

How do you guard yourself against a newly reborn fanatic driving a truck into a slew of people?

You don't.

There is a LOT of recrimination going on against the government, the police and the intelligence agencies right now, for doing that whole martial law thing.
People are seeing it as mainly a political thing.
As in " See how much we are doing, please re-elect us"

What François Hollande was saying ( Which our resident semi troll Bob mocked severily, because Hollande is a " Liberal") about going on as usual is really the only way to deal with it.
Let them disrupt society and they win.
Look at the terror attack death count statistically ( I mean, Americans are still smoking and eating at McD, so apparently they don't care about statistics) and you'll see it doesn't matter much in the long run.

Ignore them.

Of course with a press corps that lives off gory details, that is never going to happen.
Not untill they court martial the first reporter for doing the terrorists work for them.
Jim, there is no European country which has anything even near to your "Homeland security" act and the removal of every right of the individual that followed it.

"Land of the free" my ass.

That wouldn't fly here.

So keep your sarcasm at home where it belongs.
It wasnt sarcastic.

ISIS told France not to get involved. The juicy military contracts were too tempting.

Then they tell you it's because the Muslims hate us, our rock and roll music, our perfume and dress?

There is no "carry on with your lives".

The DHS is my least favorite agency by they way.
It wasnt sarcastic.

ISIS told France not to get involved. The juicy military contracts were too tempting.

Then they tell you it's because the Muslims hate us, our rock and roll music, our perfume and dress?

France used to rule Syria, the supplied the rebels with arms earlier in the conflict, they have "a dog in the race" do you think they got paid for those arms?
Since last November over 4000 warrant less searches carried out with less than 7% leading to legal action. Troops in the streets and stuff? I read all this online too. That the 'state of emergency' laws are essentially martial law.

I have to assume your place wasn't searched?
I'm cannot relate to your description of it here, admittedly I live in a rural environment, but I watch the news and talk to people.

Don't forget the gendarmes are in fact an arm of the army, so they count as troops.
There has also just been a football competition involving most of the countries including Russia, England, Serbia et al.
There is heightened security for sure, martial law? Not so.