In The News...

More that the MSM won't touch (could also be in Ivermectin vs. Covid Vaxx thread):

What is the point of writing "vaxx" instead of "vax" or "vac/vacs"? It's obviously intentional.

Is it "vacs-cs" or is the first, or possibly second X that is silent?
Things to think about if looking to buy a new homestead:

A report from WGHP on North Carolina. “Investment firms are scooping up more and more homes for sale in the Triad. Diane Spivack, a resident of Brightwood Farm, started asking herself who her neighbors were when she saw some people on her street not maintaining their homes or abiding by the HOA code. She quickly discovered more than 100 of the over 600 homes in her neighborhood aren’t owned by a person or family but by a handful of hedge funds and investment groups. The homes are then rented to single families.”

After the last housing melt down a lot of the housing stock that had come into being during the late 90’s and early 2000’s wound up being owned by banks and equity firms and became rentals. When I was looking for a new place to rent about five years ago, I found what appeared to be nearly entire streets that were rental houses. They were managed by far off property management firms. The only difference this time is the houses are being bought up ahead of the crash by equity firms. When money is “free” they do not care what they pay. A lot of housing is moving to ownership by these firms. The process is additionally creating a bigger downstream problem by raising the price of houses so the rubes who buy now are even farther underwater than they otherwise would be, making them more susceptible to losing the house during the next crash. Yet more housing stock to wind up in the hands of the banks to be sold off cheap to the equity firms while the taxpayers bail out the banks. A truly viscous cycle with the final result being “You will own nothing and be happy”.
The JWST is going well...

I'm not really that interested in space. There's nothing around here, so all we can do is look in the distance and wonder, but baby steps I guess. Maybe in a few hundred/thousand years we'll be able to get some place cool. The engineering is magnificent on the space explorers though. Mars rovers with a convoluted landing scheme(+drone!) to a telescope that gets its mirrors adjusted by rates on the order of microns from a million miles away.
Been watching progress in space exploration (conquest), with keen interest since Sputnik, 1957.

Though at that time it was more about satellites delivering the bomb. A bomb.

Glad to see science and knowledge is in the forefront.
There's an overhead door here at work to go into another wing of the building, and when you open it lights start flashing and the world's most annoying buzzer/ horn thing starts going off. I've worked here for months now and i still can't help but start saying "Danger Will Robinson!.... Danger" over and over when i have to use it :lol: i get some funny looks from the engineers, but it was one of them that thought you needed all that to go thru a door.
I've read articles / claims at other sites about trace elements (metals) in the vaccines, but I've yet to find a logical explanation how those trace elements are used to transmit radio waves.

Sounds dubious to me. What part about that claim am I missing?

Just curious. That's all. Thank you.
@gf beranek

Jerry, the author does go "into the weeds" with various parts of the post, but related to it's headline, it's about the Brandon puppet-masters having him exec-order exploration of a federal crypto-currency. Once the govt. establishes (and only honors; no more cash) a crypto like that, they have total control of the economy and every individual. Think about it, do you want the government (and by extension, big tech) to have the ability to approve/disapprove what you can/cannot buy, or shut you out of your money all together, potentially for having "unapproved opinions"? Not a pleasant thought.
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Thanks, I got the drift of that reading further through the article.

But what I don't get is what the vaccine / trace elements and radio waves have to do with it all?

Oh, it just hit me. Damn.

So, that is what the chip / vaccine conspiracy theory is about? Trace elements in the vaccine being a way to track us? Via radio frequency ID? In our everyday travels and business? Whoa!

Interesting. And even sneakier than the cell phone.

Sort of portrays an old scifi movie I watched, THX-1135. 1971, with Robert Duval. Remember that? Great movie. Might be before your time. All about a utopic society, where the system was rigged, always docking Duval (THX-1135) of his credits. So he could not do anything he really wanted to do in the society.

Guess we'll see how it plays out in the future.

I'm hoping it wont come down to that, but with mounting evidence one can not be too sure.

Weird, either way it plays out doesn't look good.
The movie was just before my time, but I saw it in my teens. Scary to think how lots of sci-fi stuff from old movies & TV seems to be playing out right in front of us.
Yeah. Plain as day. Right in our face. Mad men are running the world.

Hack life, engineer humans. Play God. The whole damn pandemic, mandated vaccines and all,

Hollywood elites, politicians, media. Fear mongers all of them.

I was watching the WEF and Davos talks listening to their plan months ago. Their not hiding it one bit.

I decided to quit taking the vaccines. Evidently it takes more that two doses to do the hack. So I guess I'm partially hacked.

When I tell people what's going on the usual response I get is, "Oh, you believe in that shit." Like I'm just another conspiracy theorist waving my hands in the air.

We're doomed. THX-1135.
Much too late. They've been using chips in the flu vaxxxxine for years. Its telling people to fear the c19 chips, and eat more avocados.
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@lumberjack , shouldn't these posts be located in covid or political threads? Yes, this info was "In The News" but there are plenty of more relevant places for it here at the House.
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