Captain Zero!
Some jeevee team member drove a truck into a crowd in Nice France a few hours ago. 73 dead, over 100 injured.
hard to believe.
Well, not really.
Some jeevee team member drove a truck into a crowd in Nice France a few hours ago. 73 dead, over 100 injured.
If it's in your sig, it's 'automatic.'
I have sigs disabled, yet I see you ending every post with your name.
Whatever you like, brother.
I like Denver... cool name.
Wow. It amazes me that after this attack in France, that the prevailing sentiment here is to use it as an argument against gun control.
After 9/11 were all you same people asking to ban airplanes?
Come on gun proponents, this is a really bad angle to take on this.
Bob says muzzies...
You say Bobo...
What's the diff???