Why should slavery matter to anyone today? No one today was until just recently rounded up by their own people, bought by Muslims, sold to Jews, and bought again by cotton farmers.
History is great, but letting events that happened over a hundred years ago steer your direction today is insane.
Unless of course you are a professional victim......
Well, I just gotta say, you two have quite the world view, looking out from your holler and pararie with your heads firmly stuck inside your bigoted asses!
Levi, do yourself a favour, don't engage Bob, don't rise to his provocative links or comments, the guy just gets his kicks winding people up with his foaming at the mouth redneckery. Whilst never telling us anything personal or sharing pictures of his work or himself. His anonymity/cowardice in this regard, means he doesn't merit being taken seriously IMO.
What an ass that kid was. Even if he was trying to commit suicide. Pretty ignorant way to go about it.
Othe one part I wonder about is how the cop had his gun drawn and pointed at the kids vehicle while they were still driving? Would that be considered normal?
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