In The News...

What an ass that kid was. Even if he was trying to commit suicide. Pretty ignorant way to go about it.
Othe one part I wonder about is how the cop had his gun drawn and pointed at the kids vehicle while they were still driving? Would that be considered normal?

The kid clearly had something going on in his head and was emotional about something. As far as the gun goes..... NO I wouldn't call that normal. These two seem
a little trigger happy.

I'm still on the fence about the police brutality thing. My father and brother in laws are both officers as well as 15+ highs school buddies.
And I can sadly say only 2-3 have what it takes to be a cop. Most of them hide behind there gun, and are highly under trained, not mentally ready to uphold
the Oath they took to protect the well being of others. Its different than it was 10-20 or so years ago. The cops life first..... then if its all clear the life of whats
on the other end of the gun can be taken into consideration.

I do think law enforcement is backed into a corner. Shoot the man and face murder charges, or save him with
a few licks with a baton and face excessive force, brutality charges.. Kind of a lose lose deal...

Anyway glad I got to finally vent a little about the topic. There would be a lot of teeth missing if I vented at the in laws. LOL
Looked like a good kill to me but it's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. When the poo poo tells you to show your hands show your hands. Is that asking too much, unless you have a death wish? Unless it's Andy and Barney and everything is in black and white do wtf you're told. I have no use for cowboy cops but I'm not ready to checkout either.
Yes, a white kid. I think that there was mention in something I read that during the confrontation, the kid made comment about hating his life. Not sure if it`s factual.

Wonder why cops never shoot to wound anyone. One to the knee or shoulder seems like it would pretty much put a person out of commission, or make it two.
You can hear him say " I f&)(;! hate my life" right before the first shot was fired . I guess they discontinued the use of tasers or the Bill Goldberg tackle there.

I guess it goes with the territory that police become very nervous about weapons, possibly builds up more and more over time.

Years ago when I was studying a marshal art, my instructor gave me an army knife. He was an ex cop, and he had two of his cop buddies over at the time, obviously veterans. They saw the knife that had been given to me a bit earlier and heard the explanation why I had it, and when I took it out of it`s sheath, I could just tell that it made them both quite nervous. I don`t think your average person would respond that way in a friendly setting.
The average person does not have an understanding of what a knife can do. They cut tomatoes with them. Those cops likely had an awareness based upon experience of what was possible with the knife in trained hands. If they didn't know you very well they were probably assessing what might go wrong in the next few seconds.
We may never know what motivated the attacker.

ISIS is a "jayvee" team.

This will never happen in the US.

The answer to all these problems is more refugees.

Trump's fault.

It's what you want, not me.

I'm just trying to save you the trouble of typing your preferred name into every one of your posts.

Thought i had it set up to do that automatically? Maybe its different depending if im on my pc or tapatalk on my i phone perhaps?

If it's in your sig, it's 'automatic.'

I have sigs disabled, yet I see you ending every post with your name.

Whatever you like, brother. ;)

I like Denver... cool name.