I suspect that Stig's Russophobia is still a mental illness, as well as his voluntary castration)
I don't think "Russia" is trying to remake CCCP. The average Russian couldn't care less.
I belive it is Putin's wet dream, however.
Besides socking money away for himself and building his secret palace, his biggest dream is to remedy " The greatest sociopolitical catastrophe in our century".
The one thing I agreed with Trump on was the stupidity of Nordstream 2, making large parts of Europe dependant on Russian gas, with Putin's hand on the stop handle.
Cut off the gas to make them toe the line.
Russia–Ukraine gas disputes - Wikipedia
He'll do the same to Germany sooner or later........mark my words.
Except by the decree of 54.
Ukraine has never forgiven Russia for the Holodomor, those two countries are never going to get along.
Stig, I always catch myself thinking that when you start talking about Russia, you start raving. The famine in Ukraine (by the way, it was Ukrainian political scientists who coined this term) was caused by a crop failure. It was a very severe drought that also affected the southern regions of Russia, including Kazakhstan. And as for the Crimea, the ingots remember the Crimean War of 1853-1856, when England, France and Turkey wanted to occupy the Russian Crimea.Except by the decree of 54.
Ukraine has never forgiven Russia for the Holodomor, those two countries are never going to get along.
Regarding c unt, we recently had a discussion hereabouts on the merits of the word. Iirc, isn't c unt and bloody c unt fairly common UK usage?
If you read phrases such as f ucking cock knocking c unt, shit got real.
Did he call you a "bloody good ____"?
That was confusing to me.
By the way, Putin recently mentioned the red line that NATO (led by the United States) is trying to cross. This expression about the thin red line originated in 1854 during the Crimean War.
The United States wants to accept Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, and this is very, very worrying for Russia.What line is NATO trying to cross Andrey?