In The News...

I didn't watch the video cause I don't watch many videos, but putting "Bill Gates" in the title is done to get all the retards running in circles windmilling their arms. Yea, geoengineering is a thing, and a lot of solutions to fix the shitshow we've created on the planet are being considered, and one of the solutions is spraying the atmosphere to reduce heat. Whenever natural processes get subverted to achieve a goal, very careful thought has to be put into it, and that's what the pros are doing; given solutions very careful thought, while weighing risks.
Yep, the Murphadite.
Not incendiary, just more of the crap he constantly posts.
Odd mindset that makes some folks to want to stick around despite being almost universally despised.
That was pretty calm under fire.

It was, I bet he gets a few job offers.

That news link I posted was a different on to the one with the video, a bit better one I thought.

I doubt they'd say something like this in most places. "Unfortunately" caught my eye, could have been a typo but it was Pretoria.

"The passanger on the escort vehicle took the guns out and prepared for war. But unfortunately, no gun shots were fired from those guns since the driver of the escort vehicle handled the situation well. He rammed the two vehicles and sustained the situation."

Just noticed they got passenger wrong.
They might need a few like him in California soon.

That does seem a bit weird.

But since they are too chicken for the death penalty, it is cheaper to release them.
Yeah it seems weird, especially how the Washington examiner wrote it. But then if you actually look up what's happening, you realize cali has been ordered by the courts, including the Supreme Court, to lower the prison population. So how do you do that? You start getting your policies and procedures in line with the rest of the country, and in this case the good behavior system is being changed from 20 percent off to 33 percent off. It sounds a lot less "democrats bad" when you word it correctly, so let's just say the dems (the governor is using his powers legally but he's a dem) are letting loose this plague upon the world. These people have served their time, and would already be free in most other states. There's a reason why the us has 24 percent of all people incarcerated in the entire world, despite having less than 5 percent of the population.
No. He is not using his powers legally in all matters Kyle. The voters voted to keep the death penalty, but he has refused to follow through any on death row. Among other things. It's not because he is a dem. He is part of a corrupt family friggin' the voters and tax payers. He may be complying with the Federal in this case. But since we already are pretty much catch and release here in the state, it is adding fuel to the fire. When Covid hit, they started releasing prisoners to down size the population in the jails. Then if caught again, charged and released. Basically out to do it again.
I'm talking about this case specifically, and only this case. As the governor, he has certain legal responsibilities and powers, and this clearly falls in that otherwise there would be legal challenges to this action, which there are none. In fact, he has been ordered by the courts to do exactly what he's doing. That's all I'm saying.
I get that you don't like him, i don't either but i don't have to live with him. But let's actually use his real sins, not bullshit. He's got plenty of stuff that he's done wrong, but this isn't one of them. That's all I'm saying. Just like the bullshit story of how Biden is going to limit your steaks you can eat, all this shit does is try to push an agenda that is clearly lacking actual substance.
Hey Kyle. I get what youre saying. I am not arguing about THIS particular case and I am not sure why you cant read simple non biased answers and come to that conclusion. Seriously dude.
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So what am i not seeing? He's been ordered by the courts to do exactly this, and he is. I despise him personally, but on this one thing he's right. I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just sick of the right jumping on all sorts of bullshit to try to back their agenda that has minimal substance.