Unfortunately, vaccines are a cause of so many food allergies, but the dogma "all vaccines are safe" and "the science is settled" haunts anyone trying to even have rational discussions about things in them. Most of us in our late 40's and beyond remember growing up, that food allergies were almost non-existent. I talked to old-time school nurses about this as my kids started going to school 8-12 yrs. ago, and they all commented, "Yea, you're right. What could have happened?". This all started around the late 80's, after the 1986 Vaccine Indemnity Act coerced into law by congress via Big Pharma (if you don't exempt us from prosecution for vaccine injuries, we can't viably produce them). After that, the schedule quickly ramped up, and food allergies, autism-like syndromes, type-1 diabetes and other conditions started becoming more prevalent.
Well, as I was now older and more willing to study up on things "outside the norm", I started to research and look at all the "studies" done on vaccine safety, The big pharma/medical journals (mostly funded by big pharma) only focused on few small safety studies that focused on the thimerasol/mercury component, which was less than compelling. What I found from further research was the list of all the other questionable ingredients that were used, and 2 compelling books both pointed to the adjuvant (what causes the immune system to be over-stimulated) aluminum, a toxic metal when ingested by humans, After reading these, the light went off in my head "They told me when I was diagnosed w/Type-1 diabetes as a child, that it was most likely genetic and we'd find cases 2-3 generations back in my family lines". Well, we looked and couldn't find a single case on either side of my family going back 4 generations. But I did find in my pediatric records about 4 months before I was diagnosed that I had one of the early triple vaxxs (forget if it was DTap or TDaP, I lost the records in a basement flood), and those are like the MMR vaccine, 3 live viruses and 3x the aluminum being pumped into a young child to "stimulate" the immune system to create the "response", that being to mimic what the immune system does naturally.
I'm now convinced it was a vaccine (and the aluminum in them) that caused my malady, as there is nothing else to point to. Unfortunately, my parents weren't well educated enough at the time, nor was there ample literature back then to point them down this path to go after the pharmas (it was the mid-70's, and my parents got whacked by that recession), so they just accepted what they were told, and I was only 8, so I didn't know better.
The second book that confirmed it for me I read shortly after it came out (because one of my best friends had all 3 of his kids diagnosed "on the spectrum", and both his daughters develop debilitating conditions from the HPV vaccines) was this:
www.amazon.com/How-Autism-Epidemic-J-B-Handley/dp/1603588248/ref=sr_1_2?crid=AY7IJM23YTSV&dchild=1&keywords=jb+handley+how+to+end+the+autism+epidemic&qid=1618787905&sprefix=jb+handley%2Caps%2C190&sr=8-2 "
I am not necessarily anti-vaxx, but I believe the decision to vaccinate children should be left up to parents doing their own research/making decisions, and not by govt/school systems/pressure to "do it for the greater good" that exists today (as these side-effects don't affect everyone, but do affect enough to allow the conversation to be had, not just dismissed the way it is).
With that little bomb drop, I'll start a new "Vaccine discussion" thread in the philosophy forum thread, so as not to derail this one. I'll copy this over there, so please start the replies/discussion there. Thanx.