In The News...

Interesting headline, Bob.

For whatever reason, it made me wonder if you have any links re GOP folks doing wrong?
I've heard of all kinds of foundations. Saying there's tens of thousands of them would be a conservative estimate. What about the Clinton foundation?
After four years of Orange Man Bad 24/7 from the regressives don’t expect fair and balanced from me.
I would've thought you are stronger than that. Less manipulatable. Truth doesn't tire, imo.

Thx, John.
I don’t guess Biden understands how important that border thing is...our neighbors to the south have played pattycake with the cartels too long...

I don't see the problem.
Trump built a wall to keep them out.
So they can play patty cake in Mexico.
This about sums up politics in the US

I got this email just now asking me to answer a survey on what of two products should be carried in the National Parks Shop. (See below).
My reply:

"How about carrying the fine books by Gerald Beranek on the Coast Redwoods, and his History of the Redwoods Parks?"

Here is the survey they sent, though the formatting didn't transfer well:

On Friday, March 19, 2021, 06:44:51 PM EDT, [email protected] via SurveyMonkey <[email protected]> wrote:

Parks Project Product Outreach​
We're running a survey and would love your input. Please let us know what you think below. Thanks for participating!​
Which would you like to see in the gift shop, National Parks Souvenir Pint Glass or National Parks Souvenir Enamel Mug?
Please do not forward this email as its survey link is unique to you.
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My books are banned from the Redwood National Parks book stores for using "Strong Language" My version of the parks history is not sugar-coated.

Their political correct version of history leaves many holes in the story of the redwood parks creation.

It's a rotten deal for me, as I invested over $100,000.00 in publishing costs and have 2 storage units full of books I can't move. Only one park "Humboldt Redwoods" sells my books, and they sell very well there. If it wasn't for HRSP the books would go to landfill.

Censorship. That's what it's all about.
Say what you will, this wouldn’t have happened under Trump. No one fears the imbecile...
