As U.S. drivers buy more full-size and heavy-duty pickups, these vehicles have transformed from no-frills workhorses into angry giants. And pedestrians are paying the price.
A Milwaukee County Children’s Court judge and former president and CEO of the Cream City Foundation, which runs the city’s drag queen story hour program, has been arrested on seven counts of child pornography.
Three hospital patients are bitten and a patient diagnosed with a rare viral rodent-borne infectious disease as the pests run out of control across much of the state.
Can’t make this stuff up...woman driving car belonging to a drug dealer...cop tries to reason with her...she shoots him...he shoots back....she dies...and it’s “white cop shots black woman”....
From our lovely neighbor's to the north, so nice to see them following Trudeau and Schwab's Great Reset playbook.
Absolutely heartbreaking for parents up there.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has reacted to President Joe Biden calling him a "killer" by challenging Biden to take part in a conversation with him broadcast live online. “I’ve just thought of this now,” Putin told a Russian state television reporter. Putin’s invitation seemed to amount to...
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