In The News...

There's gotta be a way to reduce that shit. Dunno wut, but there has to be something.

Pave the planet, or something like that...
Best wishes to you guys south of the border. I've been reading about it in the news. Lots of structure loss. Up here we've had and do have some decent fires going but no loss of homes yet that I'm aware of, few outbuilding and vehicles but no homes. Our wildfire and local fire departments are starting to become decently integrated and I've heard that local FD structure protection units(basically mobile sprinkler chains that wet down the area immediately around a home) have saved a number of homes. The SPU's don't protect against a rank 6 or anything but they do protect against the ember clouds which have been said to be the biggest problems for fires spreading to structures.
My days on wildland fires, back now decades...the sort of extreme fire behavior that is almost expected today was way out there on the edge.

It's a mess.

I thought I, my FS crew, and my contract cutters were doing stuff no one should have to, in retrospect the day or two, I think we had it fairly easy most times. There will always be those truly bad situations I used to have a nightmare about on occasion.
I was listening to a show on the weekend talking about the rate or burning and types of burning we see nowadays. Way more fire activity and brutality because guessed it......climate change!
I don't know about all that. But it kind of makes sense in relation to fires. Check it out. The arctic is burning at rates never seen before. As well as the wild and crazy fire action that has become the new norm in more populated areas. Whether you believe it to be human influenced or not is one thing. But climate change itself isn't up for any sort of debating. It's happening.
I figured it was the fuel load that keeps increasing since folks don't do as much controlled burning now?

Reducing fuel load is what Stephen does quite a bit of as I remember. Right?
Yup. Used to do more of it than i do now.
Climate change does not help and plays into a perfect storm scenario.
Logging was regulated to death here. As is grazing public lands. Forests grow. Controlled burning got regulated to only gov agencies get to play mostly. Water tables have dropped just from overgrowth. Less water trickling down the mountains and to aquifers. Fire suppression pactices of the last century or so added more fuel loads.
Now throw humans more into wild land urban interface. A loose chain, flat tire on rim (Carr fire currently at almost 100,000 acres), arson, lightening, weedeater or saw set in grass, rock and a lawn mower. Dryer windier conditions. Boom.
But, there needs to be a moratorium on humans reproducing for a couple, three decades.

That would be a good start.

Glad you are not in charge of policy!

I see that cheat grass was mentioned earlier.

High density short duration grazing of livestock greatly reduces cheat grass.

But we KNOW that animal protein causes global warming so......dang it.
Of course blaming it all on climate change means you don't have to take a hard look at anything, ask tough questions or make tough decisions.

Its systemic beyotches.

Curious take on things. Seems the proper way would be to take a hard look at everything. But again people that don't 'believe' in climate change aren't really taking a hard look at any of the facts. Soooo.